Thursday 15 July 2021

Thursday 15th July 2021

Woke at 0700 and got up to prepare for a long day in the car. Managed to leave at 0845 and hit the road, headed first for Twickenham. Got as far south as Reigate, where I had my lunch sat in the car on a 60s era Council Estate, before turning north-west toward Leatherhead, and Dorking, and from thence to Woking. Ended my working day in a village near Godalming. Didn't get home till gone 1900. Aki had cooked the stone bass, which we had with rice and grilled vegetables. Very tasty, almost meaty flavoured fish. Then it was across the road to the garden at No.38 for the Book Club meet. My flapjacks went like hotcakes! Everyone seemed to have got something from the Paul Auster novel, and we chose an American Vietnamese writer to read next..."On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous". Nice to see everyone. 

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