Saturday 17 July 2021

Saturday 17th July 2021

Woke at 0730 and got up to make a mug of tea and do a bit of work off the back of yesterday's inspections. Took a walk up to the Farmers Market on Yerbury Road and bought a loaf. Stopped at The Green Room Cafe on the way home for a coffee, and to inspect the newly finished front extension to the National Youth Theatre next door. Too hot to do much this afternoon, though I eventually levered the skirting off the wall in the lobby area leading to the bathroom to see if there are any clues as to the slowly rising damp. Was none the wiser for my efforts, and remain baffled as to what the cause is...I fear a leaking pipe buried in the concrete slab, but how I go about identifying it remains beyond me. Rustled together a rather mundane tuna pasta bake for dinner...didn't compare very favourably with last night's food. Nowt on the telly, so we ended up watching the highlights of The Open Golf championship from Sandwich...looked like hot work today. Temperatures set to climb to 32C tomorrow!

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