Sunday 11 July 2021

Sunday 11th July 2021

Aki up early to go rowing. I got up and did some physio exercises, before taking a Sunday constitutional, walking up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park for a coffee. Popped into the Italian deli at the top of the hill and bought a burata. Got home before Aki returned for lunch, then settled on the sofa to watch the invincible Novak Djockavic take yet another title...he's unreal! Had the burata with basil leaves and tomatoes as a starter, followed by the mini gnocchi we bought from the farmer's market yesterday, with a tomato sauce and parmesan. Then it was time to endure the Euro final between Italy and England. We took an astonishing early lead, but were abject in the second half...then we were put through the agony of extra time and penalties. 

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