Saturday 10 July 2021

Saturday 10th July 2021

Rather fitful night's sleep, so woke up feeling as weary as I was when I went to bed! Got ready to take a hike up Highgate Hill, but it started raining, so did some indoor exercises. The physiotherapist gave me some last week, so trying to get them into some kind of useful routine. Rainstorm didn't materialise, so we ambled up to Whittington Park and sought out the Farmers Market at the Primary School on Yerbury Road. Bought some vegetables, a loaf of bread, and some Sardinian mini gnocchi. Back for some brunch, and then it was time for tennis. It was such a dull match, I struggled, much like Karolina Pliskova, to stay awake to the end! Ash Bartey proved a humble, deserving victor. Warmed up last week's chicken biryani, and cooked up a side order of spring greens and peas with Indian spices, ginger, and lemon juice. Watched the final episode of "Time"...powerful stuff, well played.

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