Friday 9 July 2021

Friday 9th July 2021

Aki up early to prepare for Rowing Club. I got up and did some work at the computer. Aki back in time for lunch. Downed tools for the afternoon to watch the Men's Singles semi-finals. The Berretini v Hukascz match was a disappointment...the Pole didn't turn up. Enjoyed the Djockovic v Shapavalov game, though that was over in three sets. Nola looks unbeatable. Cooked confit of duck for dinner this evening, with pureed creamed carrot, pommes anna, leeks, and chargrilled asparagus. Deserved a photo! Watched French comedy-drama "My Donkey, My Lover & I" via Curzon Home Screening...well worth a fiver. Enjoyed some of the original soundtrack music, and managed to download some of it. 

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