Monday 26 July 2021

Monday 26th July 2021

Aki up early to FaceTime her mum. I languished in bed for a while before rising and doing some work on the computer. Rain has finally stopped! Made some lunch, then walked to the Health Centre to check in with my physio...she seemed happy with the progress so far, though it's a bit difficult to tell, frankly, as I suspect the painkillers are taking most of the strain. Anyway, she gave me some new exercises to add to the routine. Did some more work on the computer this afternoon while Aki trimmed the hedge out front, then cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Watched some arty telly...a BBC4 retrospective of the life and work of Yayoi Kasuma, whose work we have seen both in London and Japan, and then a look at the English abstractionists of the twentieth century. A most absorbing evening...

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