Tuesday 20 July 2021

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Slept through till 0730. Day in front of the computer screen. Very hot and muggy day. Late brunch, followed by more sitting at the computer. Spoke to Kath who had been to see her consultant. He's recommending de-compression rather than fusing of the vertebrae, and given Kath 3 months to think about it and see how she gets on with her current physiotherapy regime. Aki made fresh pasta and a pesto sauce using our homegrown basil leaves. Very tasty! Watched the Dominic Cummings interview...if people still vote for Boris after that, then it'll be time to emigrate!!! Practised "All Of Me" on our ukuleles ahead of meeting with Jane and Carlos at the weekend...Carlos has been learning to play it on saxophone, so we'll be able to accompany him...well, that's the plan!

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