Wednesday 14 July 2021

Wednesday 14th July 2021

Woke about 0830 and got up to make a mug of tea before sitting down at the computer. Aki cycled off to Essex Road to visit her old fishmonger pal, and came home with some stone bass. After lunch, we took a walk to Selby's to look at vacuum cleaners, as ours has packed up, and Aki doesn't like the one she ordered from James Dyson, which she's sending back next week...poor old James will be very disappointed. Nice day...the rain has abated and the sun is out. Made some flapjacks with dried mango and cranberries...will take them to Book Club tomorrow night. Made the flat smell very nice. Aki joined a webinar after dinner, and I strummed some guitar and sang a bit of Jagger. Nowt on telly...watched Ep1 of the first season of This Way Up on All4...great writing, and performances. Looks like a grower...

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