Saturday 24 July 2021

Saturday 25th July 2021


Bit of a slow start this morning...listened to Saturday Live in bed. Eventually got up and cooked some brunch which was interrupted by a video call from Kath and Jim...Jim was sitting out in Kath's back garden in his dressing gown having gone for a bit of a run with Kath (Kath was on her bicycle). He looked in good shape, all things considered. Went for a walk. Ended up at the Farmer's Market on Yerbury Road and bought some bread, then stopped for coffee and half a pain au chocolat at the Green Room Cafe. Popped in at the dry cleaner's and asked him to take up the sleeves on the raincoat Aki has bought me for my birthday. Then it was back home to watch the highlights of the first day of Olympic competition from Tokyo. Aki enjoyed the rowing. Baked hake for dinner, wrapped in parma ham. Bit of telly before bath and bed...

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