Friday 16 July 2021

Friday 16th July 2021


Woke around 0715 and got up to make a mug of tea. Did some work, then made a packed lunch. Aki headed off to the Rowing Club on her bike, and I headed out east to Thurrock. Parked in Morrisons in Grays to use the facilities and get some odds and ends on the Savills expense account. Had to type my car reg into the ticket machine, and then proffered my card to the card reader but nowt happened....tried several times without success...the woman waiting patiently behind me offered me a pound coin to put into the machine saying "Well, we've all get to help one another now, haven't we?" I gratefully accepted, then found a cash machine and took some money out. Left a pound coin on the roof of her mini before I left for Loughton, then Harlow. Had my lunch parked in the car on a housing estate in Ware, then headed for Welwyn. Gave Andy a ring to see if I could wangle a cup of tea out of him at his house, but he didn't pick up, so it was on to St Albans, then Watford. Got home around 1730, and we walked to Osteria Tufo where Aki had booked a table. Chatted with a very personable young couple at the next table, and really enjoyed our food. The asparagus filled ravioli in sage butter sauce was particularly good. Walked home and flung ourselves down on the sofa, unable to move!

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