Tuesday 13 July 2021

Tuesday 13th July 2021

Woke around 0730 and got up and made a mug of tea. Aki had a bit of a lie in. Made myself a ham salad lunchbox and headed south for a day in the saddle. Drove to Peckham first then on to Tooting. Managed to eat my lunch in a car park on Tooting Common, and found toilets at Tooting Lido where I had a pee in the pool (the doorman allowed me in to use the loos). Drove on to Norwood, then Thornton Heath, and suburbs of Croydon. Got a bit warm in the car...temperatures outside getting up to around 25C. Nice day, though, after yesterday's downpours. Got home around 1845. Aki had cooked a chorizo and butter bean stew, with mashed potato for dinner. Watched a bit of telly...interesting documentary on Earnest Hemingway on BBC4. Bath and bed.

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