Monday 26 July 2021

Sunday 25th July 2021

Woke around 0830 and got up and turned the telly on and made tea. Watched Olympic coverage, and sadly saw Jade Jones go out in the first round of the taekwondo. Aki cooked up some brunch. Rained all worse and worse as the afternoon wore on, with thunder and lightning. Back yard started to flood as water came bouncing off the church roof next door. Got a bit worried that it would come up underneath the back door. Had arranged to pop in on Jane and Carlos at 1700 so braved the's only across the road to No.36, but my trousers were soaked. Jane gave me a pair of her track suit bottoms. They smelt of camphor! They plied us with aperol spritzers and laid on some nibbles, and we shared some tales of past travels around the globe. They had done the trans-Siberian railway to Vladivostock! Didn't sound very relaxing! We had taken our ukulele's over there to try accompanying Carlos on his sax doing "All of Me". Needs work! Back in time to cobble together a rather late dinner...

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