Thursday 1 July 2021

Wednesday 30th June 2021

Up early as we had to cram in as many inspections as possible before heading back to Norwich for a 1715 booking at my favourite Norfolk restaurant, Benedicts. Couldn't get a later sitting. Aki wanted to join me today, as I was headed for the seaside. Drove back to North Walsham, then on to Cromer in time for lunch...I dropped Aki on the Esplanade, and went on to do my inspections in Cromer and Sheringham. Unfortunately, the weather was most unseasonal, and Aki had to wander about in the drizzle and high winds, eventually taking shelter in a cafe where she found a warming cup of tea and a crab sandwich. I picked her back up in town, and we drove on to Holt, and Briston, before calling it a day and heading back to No.82, then walking into the city centre to find our seat at Benedicts. I hadn't realised that they no longer did an a la carte menu, so we had no choice but to go for the five course taster menu! An expensive treat, but largely an adventurous one....we enjoyed our pork balls, salmon tart, and mini chedders (pictured), and the smoked trout on a pea fricasse. Got back in time to watch Andy Murray get through a five setter against an unknown German qualifier. 

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