Monday 5 July 2021

Monday 5th July 2021

Good night's sleep. I've upped the dosage of Amitryptiline, and maybe they are making me a bit drowsy come bedtime. Sat at the computer all morning. Aki cycled off to the butcher's on Essex Road, and we had lunch when she got back. I walked over to Hornsey Street for an afternoon appointment with the physio. She carried out a number of tests on my strength, and reflexes. She said everything looked encouraging, though there was obviously some irritation of the ulna nerve that runs through my left arm. She took me through some simple exercises, and told me to come back in three weeks. Walked home. Did some more work, then cooked dinner, before settling down to watch Emma Raducanu's much anticipated appearance on Court 1...sadly she retired at 3-0 down in the second set...looked like she'd pulled an abdominal muscle. Very disappointing all round.

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