Wednesday 5 April 2023

Wednesday 5th April 2023

Woke around 0700. Aki got up...I assumed she was preparing to go rowing, but instead she sat at the computer to get some work done...I thought she was retired now! I got up around 0900 and porridged. Didn't a little work at the laptop, prepping for next week's trip to Wales. Broke for lunch...Aki cooked cheese omelette, which we had with some salad. We wandered over to Morrisons to get some supplies. Warmed up the last of last week's fish pie for dinner, which we ate with cabbage and broccoli, followed by chocolate microwave pudding. Watched a fascinating documentary from Lucy Worsley, following the epic efforts to re-build Notre Dame after the destruction of the fire in 2019. Some extraordinary images of thousands of pieces of scaffolding within the structure itself, covering the ancient walls from floor to vaulted ceiling. 

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