Woke around 0800. Got up and porridged, then made a packed lunch. Did a little work at the computer before climbing back in to the motor, and heading back to Hounslow. Got into a little end terrace house...terrible black mould on the ceiling in the back bedroom, and bathroom ...looked to me like there was a roof leak at the gable end which was causing the problem...I told the tenant to go see Citizens' Advice and get shirty! On top of that, the house was on the Heathrow flight path, and planes were coming in for landing above the back garden every 90 seconds...it was deafening! The headed for Forest Hill. Had my lunch in the car in Sainsbury's car park in Sydenham, then drove on to Woolwich, finishing at property on Shooters Hill. Traffic bad all day...and very slow going home. We had planned to eat around 1800, but I didn't get in until 1845...managed to swallow my bowl of pasta carbonara, and we headed for the bus stop. Took a tube into Euston, and walked across to The Place to see a couple of pieces by the South Korea Contemporary Dance Company. The first piece was a bit dull....not much dancing going on, just a lot of hand and arm movements, signifying the machinations of a clock. The second piece was better, with some great unison work. We stayed behind for the post show chat, which was interesting, in that it meant a significant proportion of translation back and forth. Got the No.91 bus back home...
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