Saturday 1 April 2023

Friday 31st March 2023

Aki up with alarm at 0730. She brought me a mug of tea. I read some Bulgakov in's all getting very silly, now we've been introduced to Margarita, who has become a witch, and has been flying about on a broomstick...she flies in to the empty apartment of her lover's literary critic, and smashes the place up with a hammer! The author's revenge! Got up and porridged. Did a little work at my laptop at the dining table. Broke for lunch...finished off the stuffed chicken. Pottered about doing nothing very much this some more which lead me to nod off on the sofa! Popped out to Morrisons to get a couple of things for tonight's dinner...cooked Jamie Oliver's fish was all a bit more of a palavar than I'd anticipated, particularly skinning the potatoes once they'd been microwaved, but it tasted OK. Watched Steve Coogan's film "Philomena", with him and Judi Dench...nicely done. Hadn't realised it was based on a Martin Sixsmith investigation. I remember him as a BBC News reporter...

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