Saturday 22 April 2023

Friday 21st April 2023

Alarm at 0730...dozed back off, and got up at 0800. Headed downstairs for breakfast. Packed my bags and checked out, then headed for Briton Ferry, and inspections in east Swansea. Stopped to grab a coffee at Starbucks in the Quayside quarter. Finished in Morriston, then headed for home. Stopped for a late lunch at Leigh Delamere Service station on the M4 near sandwich in Pret A Manger cost £5.60!!! 

Got home at 1800 and called Carlos from No.36 across for a brief rehearsal of "Yesterday" and "Hey Jude", then we walked up to No.127 where Katherine and George were hosting a gathering to mark Jane's 80th birthday (she's also from No.36). About twelve guests turned up, everyone bringing some nibbles to share...Aki had hand made some tasty sushi. The celebrations ended with a musical interlude...Dulcie from No.110 sang an Edwardian parlour song to a recorded piano accompaniment, Katherine, George and I murdered a couple of Scottish waltzes, and we finished off with a Beatles sing-a-long with George busking some flute, and Carlos tooting away rather badly on his all went down very well! It also happened to be Kathleen from No.49's birthday, so a double cake ceremony was masterminded by our hosts, though I don't think Kathleen has yet reached 80! Walked home with Gayu from No.38 and made for our beds...

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