Friday 7 April 2023

Thursday 6th April 2023

Woke around 0430 with a bit of a sore throat, and had trouble getting back off to sleep. Aki brought me a mug of tea around 0830. Hernia repair giving me gip, so stayed in bed hoping a bit of rest would be beneficial. Got up at 1030 and porridged...Aki had headed off to Brixton to see how the refurb project was going. Read some Bulgakov. Aki was back in time for lunch...I fried some tinned sardines, which we ate with salad and a hunk of bread. Feeling under the weather this afternoon...the cough seems to be back, and it's aggravating the bad hernia repair. It's uncomfortable sitting down, or standing up...thought I'd better test for Covid, just in case, but the test proved negative. Cooked a ragu using a tin of stewed steak I'd bought many moons ago in case of lock down panic buying. It's a couple of months past it's use by date, but smelled tasty enough...cooked it up with lentils and a tomato sauce. Poured the sauce into containers and stuck 'em in the freezer. Cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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