Tuesday 27 July 2021

Tuesday 27th July 2021


Woke around 0830 feeling weary...could have slept on quite easily. Got up and downed some tea. Headed off on inspections at 0930, making for Poplar first, before heading north to Edmonton. Took a quick detour to Ponders End to see how Enfield Council's redevelopment was going...I'd been involved in helping them with innumerable leasehold buyback valuations. Only one of the four tower blocks now still standing, and work going on apace. Quite the transformation! Lunched in Tesco car park and filled up with some petrol before heading west toward Cockfosters, then ending the day in St John's Wood. Got home around 1530 and treated myself to a well earned homemade spoom cornet. Lynne popped in from upstairs to have a quick chat about progressing the freehold purchase. Seems content to go with the package offered by RJC...I said I'd phone them tomorrow morning. Aki cooked a prawn curry for dinner and we watched some telly. FaceTimed kath and told her we'd be up on Thursday, and spoke to Jim to arrange to drop in on them in Holmfirth next week on the way south.

Monday 26 July 2021

Monday 26th July 2021

Aki up early to FaceTime her mum. I languished in bed for a while before rising and doing some work on the computer. Rain has finally stopped! Made some lunch, then walked to the Health Centre to check in with my physio...she seemed happy with the progress so far, though it's a bit difficult to tell, frankly, as I suspect the painkillers are taking most of the strain. Anyway, she gave me some new exercises to add to the routine. Did some more work on the computer this afternoon while Aki trimmed the hedge out front, then cooked a mushroom risotto for dinner. Watched some arty telly...a BBC4 retrospective of the life and work of Yayoi Kasuma, whose work we have seen both in London and Japan, and then a look at the English abstractionists of the twentieth century. A most absorbing evening...

Sunday 25th July 2021

Woke around 0830 and got up and turned the telly on and made tea. Watched Olympic coverage, and sadly saw Jade Jones go out in the first round of the taekwondo. Aki cooked up some brunch. Rained all day...got worse and worse as the afternoon wore on, with thunder and lightning. Back yard started to flood as water came bouncing off the church roof next door. Got a bit worried that it would come up underneath the back door. Had arranged to pop in on Jane and Carlos at 1700 so braved the monsoon...it's only across the road to No.36, but my trousers were soaked. Jane gave me a pair of her track suit bottoms. They smelt of camphor! They plied us with aperol spritzers and laid on some nibbles, and we shared some tales of past travels around the globe. They had done the trans-Siberian railway to Vladivostock! Didn't sound very relaxing! We had taken our ukulele's over there to try accompanying Carlos on his sax doing "All of Me". Needs work! Back in time to cobble together a rather late dinner...

Saturday 24 July 2021

Saturday 25th July 2021


Bit of a slow start this morning...listened to Saturday Live in bed. Eventually got up and cooked some brunch which was interrupted by a video call from Kath and Jim...Jim was sitting out in Kath's back garden in his dressing gown having gone for a bit of a run with Kath (Kath was on her bicycle). He looked in good shape, all things considered. Went for a walk. Ended up at the Farmer's Market on Yerbury Road and bought some bread, then stopped for coffee and half a pain au chocolat at the Green Room Cafe. Popped in at the dry cleaner's and asked him to take up the sleeves on the raincoat Aki has bought me for my birthday. Then it was back home to watch the highlights of the first day of Olympic competition from Tokyo. Aki enjoyed the rowing. Baked hake for dinner, wrapped in parma ham. Bit of telly before bath and bed...

Friday 24th July 2021

Not so warm today. Aki up early and off to Rowing Club before I'd got myself out of bed. Back at the computer screen all morning, but broke for the Olympic Opening Ceremony from Tokyo at noon. Aki got home just in time. Had some lunch, then back to work. Phoned mum...she had been entertaining Jim, who had gone down the Diamond with a mate, and came back while I was still on the phone. He sounded in good shape, and intimated that he was determined to kick the booze. Said he planned to speak to his GP on Monday. Wandered over to No.38 and knocked Ben and Gayu up...walked to Bisha on Holloway Road, a little Eritrean restaurant we'd noticed on one of our constitutionals. The food is served on a huge round plate on a basket, with a large basket weave tagine type edifice atop...this is removed to reveal your meal, which in turn sits on a thin layer of fermented sour bread, which is a bit of an acquired taste, it has to be said...I found myself yearning for a bowl of rice. 

We adjourned to a small cocktail bar that had opened on the opposite side of the road, and had a nightcap at an outside table before walking back to Sussex Way. Bumped into Carlos and Jane outside No.36 and had a brief natter in the street. A very pleasant evening. Came home and watched several hours of Amy Winehouse tribute TV...a sad and salutary tale!

Thursday 23rd July 2021

Another day in the hot seat trying to progress research on four sizeable valuation jobs. Chipping away at it on the computer. Jim still at Kath's and worrying about his job, or lack of one at the moment. Kath said he was ignoring Scott's calls, but resolved to phone Scott on Jim's behalf in an effort to keep communications open. Cooked chicken and chorizo in rioja and stock with red pepper...very simple and very tasty dish! 

Wednesday 22nd July 2021

Nowt much to report. Spent the day in front of the computer. Very warm and humid by the afternoon. Kath rang to say she had Jim stopping at hers in Westerhope...apparently he's fallen off the wagon, and Karen is threatening to lock him out of the house in Morpeth unless and until he sorts himself out. All sounds a bit worrying. Told her to keep an eye on him and see how things develop, but try and persuade him to contact his GP in the first instance...see what happens!

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Slept through till 0730. Day in front of the computer screen. Very hot and muggy day. Late brunch, followed by more sitting at the computer. Spoke to Kath who had been to see her consultant. He's recommending de-compression rather than fusing of the vertebrae, and given Kath 3 months to think about it and see how she gets on with her current physiotherapy regime. Aki made fresh pasta and a pesto sauce using our homegrown basil leaves. Very tasty! Watched the Dominic Cummings interview...if people still vote for Boris after that, then it'll be time to emigrate!!! Practised "All Of Me" on our ukuleles ahead of meeting with Jane and Carlos at the weekend...Carlos has been learning to play it on saxophone, so we'll be able to accompany him...well, that's the plan!

Monday 19th July 2021

Woke around 0715. Got up and downed some tea before doing a bit of work on the computer. Set off on inspections around 0900 and headed for Watford, then on to Amersham. Stopped for lunch in Chesham...bought a sandwich from the bakers in the town centre and ate in the car park. Then on to Hemel Hempstead and Aylesbury, before ending up in Buckingham. Very hot in the car...I had a large, angled sweat patch on my shirt where the seat belt sits. Got home around 1845. We joined a webinar by a surveying and legal collaboration who specialise in leasehold enfranchisement...their fees sounded reasonable. Will follow up later in the week. Aki baked some trout for dinner. Nowt on telly.

Sunday 18 July 2021

Sunday 18th July 2021


Woke around 0500 and had trouble getting back to sleep. Eventually got up around 0730 and did a bit of work, before Aki headed off for Rowing Club. Glorious day for messing about on the river. I stayed home, as I needed to get ahead of the game on a couple of jobs, bearing in mind we're off to Newcastle on the 28th. Aki back for lunch. Too hot to do much but doze on the sofa, dip into Friday's newspaper, and listen to some sounds. Watched the highlights of the final round of the Open...young American of Japanese descent won it by two shots.

Saturday 17 July 2021

Saturday 17th July 2021

Woke at 0730 and got up to make a mug of tea and do a bit of work off the back of yesterday's inspections. Took a walk up to the Farmers Market on Yerbury Road and bought a loaf. Stopped at The Green Room Cafe on the way home for a coffee, and to inspect the newly finished front extension to the National Youth Theatre next door. Too hot to do much this afternoon, though I eventually levered the skirting off the wall in the lobby area leading to the bathroom to see if there are any clues as to the slowly rising damp. Was none the wiser for my efforts, and remain baffled as to what the cause is...I fear a leaking pipe buried in the concrete slab, but how I go about identifying it remains beyond me. Rustled together a rather mundane tuna pasta bake for dinner...didn't compare very favourably with last night's food. Nowt on the telly, so we ended up watching the highlights of The Open Golf championship from Sandwich...looked like hot work today. Temperatures set to climb to 32C tomorrow!

Friday 16 July 2021

Friday 16th July 2021


Woke around 0715 and got up to make a mug of tea. Did some work, then made a packed lunch. Aki headed off to the Rowing Club on her bike, and I headed out east to Thurrock. Parked in Morrisons in Grays to use the facilities and get some odds and ends on the Savills expense account. Had to type my car reg into the ticket machine, and then proffered my card to the card reader but nowt happened....tried several times without success...the woman waiting patiently behind me offered me a pound coin to put into the machine saying "Well, we've all get to help one another now, haven't we?" I gratefully accepted, then found a cash machine and took some money out. Left a pound coin on the roof of her mini before I left for Loughton, then Harlow. Had my lunch parked in the car on a housing estate in Ware, then headed for Welwyn. Gave Andy a ring to see if I could wangle a cup of tea out of him at his house, but he didn't pick up, so it was on to St Albans, then Watford. Got home around 1730, and we walked to Osteria Tufo where Aki had booked a table. Chatted with a very personable young couple at the next table, and really enjoyed our food. The asparagus filled ravioli in sage butter sauce was particularly good. Walked home and flung ourselves down on the sofa, unable to move!

Thursday 15 July 2021

Thursday 15th July 2021

Woke at 0700 and got up to prepare for a long day in the car. Managed to leave at 0845 and hit the road, headed first for Twickenham. Got as far south as Reigate, where I had my lunch sat in the car on a 60s era Council Estate, before turning north-west toward Leatherhead, and Dorking, and from thence to Woking. Ended my working day in a village near Godalming. Didn't get home till gone 1900. Aki had cooked the stone bass, which we had with rice and grilled vegetables. Very tasty, almost meaty flavoured fish. Then it was across the road to the garden at No.38 for the Book Club meet. My flapjacks went like hotcakes! Everyone seemed to have got something from the Paul Auster novel, and we chose an American Vietnamese writer to read next..."On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous". Nice to see everyone. 

Wednesday 14 July 2021

Wednesday 14th July 2021

Woke about 0830 and got up to make a mug of tea before sitting down at the computer. Aki cycled off to Essex Road to visit her old fishmonger pal, and came home with some stone bass. After lunch, we took a walk to Selby's to look at vacuum cleaners, as ours has packed up, and Aki doesn't like the one she ordered from James Dyson, which she's sending back next week...poor old James will be very disappointed. Nice day...the rain has abated and the sun is out. Made some flapjacks with dried mango and cranberries...will take them to Book Club tomorrow night. Made the flat smell very nice. Aki joined a webinar after dinner, and I strummed some guitar and sang a bit of Jagger. Nowt on telly...watched Ep1 of the first season of This Way Up on All4...great writing, and performances. Looks like a grower...

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Tuesday 13th July 2021

Woke around 0730 and got up and made a mug of tea. Aki had a bit of a lie in. Made myself a ham salad lunchbox and headed south for a day in the saddle. Drove to Peckham first then on to Tooting. Managed to eat my lunch in a car park on Tooting Common, and found toilets at Tooting Lido where I had a pee in the pool (the doorman allowed me in to use the loos). Drove on to Norwood, then Thornton Heath, and suburbs of Croydon. Got a bit warm in the car...temperatures outside getting up to around 25C. Nice day, though, after yesterday's downpours. Got home around 1845. Aki had cooked a chorizo and butter bean stew, with mashed potato for dinner. Watched a bit of telly...interesting documentary on Earnest Hemingway on BBC4. Bath and bed.

Monday 12 July 2021

Monday 12th July 2021

Aki up early to connect up with her mum in Tokyo. I did a bit of reading in bed...getting toward the end of Paul Auster's "Man in the Dark"...it's a bit of a mixed bag, and don't think I'd jump at the chance of reading any of his other work. Decided to work at home today, as rain forecast for the south. Aki popped out this afternoon to do some shopping in Waitrose, and got back just before the heavens opened. News is full of the racial abuse that has been directed at the England players who missed the penalties last night...makes you want to leave the country, frankly. This nation has been an embarrassment ever since voting to leave the EU. Wish I spoke a foreign language well enough to get me a job elsewhere...maybe Scotland's the answer, though the weather isn't much of a pull. Aki cooked mapo for dinner, then we sat on the sofa wondering what to watch now that the tennis and football is over. Reverted back to Netflix after a long sporting break...

Sunday 11 July 2021

Sunday 11th July 2021

Aki up early to go rowing. I got up and did some physio exercises, before taking a Sunday constitutional, walking up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park for a coffee. Popped into the Italian deli at the top of the hill and bought a burata. Got home before Aki returned for lunch, then settled on the sofa to watch the invincible Novak Djockavic take yet another title...he's unreal! Had the burata with basil leaves and tomatoes as a starter, followed by the mini gnocchi we bought from the farmer's market yesterday, with a tomato sauce and parmesan. Then it was time to endure the Euro final between Italy and England. We took an astonishing early lead, but were abject in the second half...then we were put through the agony of extra time and penalties. 

Saturday 10 July 2021

Saturday 10th July 2021

Rather fitful night's sleep, so woke up feeling as weary as I was when I went to bed! Got ready to take a hike up Highgate Hill, but it started raining, so did some indoor exercises. The physiotherapist gave me some last week, so trying to get them into some kind of useful routine. Rainstorm didn't materialise, so we ambled up to Whittington Park and sought out the Farmers Market at the Primary School on Yerbury Road. Bought some vegetables, a loaf of bread, and some Sardinian mini gnocchi. Back for some brunch, and then it was time for tennis. It was such a dull match, I struggled, much like Karolina Pliskova, to stay awake to the end! Ash Bartey proved a humble, deserving victor. Warmed up last week's chicken biryani, and cooked up a side order of spring greens and peas with Indian spices, ginger, and lemon juice. Watched the final episode of "Time"...powerful stuff, well played.

Friday 9 July 2021

Friday 9th July 2021

Aki up early to prepare for Rowing Club. I got up and did some work at the computer. Aki back in time for lunch. Downed tools for the afternoon to watch the Men's Singles semi-finals. The Berretini v Hukascz match was a disappointment...the Pole didn't turn up. Enjoyed the Djockovic v Shapavalov game, though that was over in three sets. Nola looks unbeatable. Cooked confit of duck for dinner this evening, with pureed creamed carrot, pommes anna, leeks, and chargrilled asparagus. Deserved a photo! Watched French comedy-drama "My Donkey, My Lover & I" via Curzon Home Screening...well worth a fiver. Enjoyed some of the original soundtrack music, and managed to download some of it. 

Thursday 8th July 2021

Got up around 0830 and did some ironing, as I hadn't got a work shirt to wear. Made myself a packed lunch, and finally hit the road at 1000. Inspections in Bethnal Green, Bow, and Isle of Dogs. Stopped for lunch at Island Gardens and ate my ham salad with a view of the Old Naval College across the Thames. Managed a stop at ASDA near Canary Wharf, and bought some odds and sods. Ended the day in Manor Park, Newham, and got home around 1730. Missed the tennis! Aki cooked an aubergine parmigiana for dinner, with vegetables and grilled pepper, and a rich tasty tomato sauce. 

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Wednesday 7th July 2021

Got up around 0830 after a good night's sleep...but still weary after yesterday's exertions. Did some work this morning. Aki cycled off to Clerkenwell to look in on Clerkenwell Design Week, but was back in time for lunch. Watched a bit of tennis this afternoon. Some very absorbing quarter-finals. Shapovalov looking good. I cooked us up a chicken biryani, which we ate on the sofa with a dahl on the side. And then it was time to tune in for the England v Denmark semi-final live from a packed Wembley. A nerve-wracking evening that went into extra time, but, unbelievably, we won it 2-1 and are through to our first major final since 1966!

Tuesday 6th July 2021

Rained most of the night. Got up about 0830 and did some work for a couple of hours. Early brunch at 1115. Got some unsolicited ecards to mark our planned Civil Partnership, including a nice Christmas card from Ma, Pa and Kath. Flowers arrived from Yuki and Steve, and from Jim and Kath from their holiday home in Padstow. The Newcastle contingent got togged up for a quick zoom call after lunch. Ordered a cab for 1400 and got to the Town Hall about 1425, having had to sit in several traffic jams along the way. Met up with Tokiko in front of the Town Hall, and Helen and Martin got off the No.43 bus and joined us. Got inside before the next rainstorm, and were ushered into a waiting room on the first floor before the Registrar, Veronica, called Aki and me into Room 99, where our details were checked prior to the certificate being drawn up. Our witnesses then joined us and we went through a very brief 'ceremony', and I put a ring we'd bought at Gill Wing on Upper Street on Aki's finger, reciting the following stanzas I'd come up with the day before:

We bought this silver ring 
From the jeweller at Gill Wing 
They have a little shop across the way 
It's made of sterling stuff 
Which we trust will be enough 
To see eachother through 'til close of play

And that was that, really...all done. Had to sign the Register, and Martin set up a couple of photo opportunities, before we moved out onto the marble staircase for some more photos. Ordered a cab, which drove us to Granary Square, where we'd booked a table for five at The Lighterman. The weather was too changeable to risk sitting outside, as originally planned, and Aki managed to negotiate a table inside, but upstairs, which is a bit quieter than the very noisy ground floor. There were a few Italians about in their blue football shirts. Ordered a bottle of prosecco and five glasses, and a couple of artisan sharing boards by way of a starter. Waited a long time for our mains; my fish and chips were a bit lukewarm at best. Parted company with our guests, and headed for the No.91 bus stop on York Way, and home in time to watch Italy v Spain live from Wembley with a glass of beer in hand...

Monday 5 July 2021

Monday 5th July 2021

Good night's sleep. I've upped the dosage of Amitryptiline, and maybe they are making me a bit drowsy come bedtime. Sat at the computer all morning. Aki cycled off to the butcher's on Essex Road, and we had lunch when she got back. I walked over to Hornsey Street for an afternoon appointment with the physio. She carried out a number of tests on my strength, and reflexes. She said everything looked encouraging, though there was obviously some irritation of the ulna nerve that runs through my left arm. She took me through some simple exercises, and told me to come back in three weeks. Walked home. Did some more work, then cooked dinner, before settling down to watch Emma Raducanu's much anticipated appearance on Court 1...sadly she retired at 3-0 down in the second set...looked like she'd pulled an abdominal muscle. Very disappointing all round.

Sunday 4 July 2021

Sunday 4th July 2021

Slept well again. Aki up first, contemplating a trip to the Rowing Club, but the risk of a rainstorm put her off. Drove to Waitrose to do the shop. Aki made lunch when we got back. Sat about reading the Sunday paper...Johnathan Liew made me laugh with his report on the England v Ukraine game last night. Decided to cut a hole in the plasterboard above a damp patch that appeared a few months ago, but seems to be slowly expanding. Had assumed it was to do with the shower tray area, and haven't had a shower since, so a bit perplexed as to why we are still getting a damp meter reading. Got in there but couldn't discern any problem...so remain as perplexed as we were before I put a hole in the wall! Cooked up some pearl barley to have with the lamb shawarma we'd bought in Waitrose. I jazzed it up with fried carrot, pepper, barberries, tomatoes and we had a side salad. Watched the new Roy Andersson movie, "About Endlessness". It was only 78 minutes long, but seemed endless!!!

Saturday 3 July 2021

Saturday 3rd July 2021


Slept well but felt oddly weary...all day! After a late lunch, we settled down for an afternoon of sporting drama. Eighteen year old Emma Raducanu blew Court No.1 away with a stunning win to take herself into the last 16 at Wimbledon. Cameron Norrie was outplayed by Roger, and then it was time to switch over to the footy. Denmark beat the Czechs, and then it was England's turn...very impressive team performance and four goals took us past Ukraine for a place in the semi-finals! Roll on Wednesday night...

Friday 2 July 2021

Friday 2nd July 2021

Slept well after yesterday's long journey. Aki up and out for Rowing Club. I spent most of the day in front of the computer. Broke for lunch. Aki partook of a webinar, so I watched some tennis. Dan Evans went out, and so did Murray. Aki made a tomato sauce which we had with pasta and broccoli for dinner. Watched some footy. Switzerland were unlucky to go out to Spain on penalties; and Belgium went out to Italy in the game of the tournament so far. Bath and bed.

Thursday 1st July 2021

Slow start this morning. Had to pack up, and check out of No.82. Headed for Fakenham, stopping for petrol at Tesco's there. Got to Wells-next-the-Sea for a late lunch. The place was rammed, with queues outside the fish and chip shops, so drove on to the beach, about a mile up the road, and had a disappointing lunch in the Beach Cafe. Wandered onto the sands very briefly, as the wind was howling off the North Sea. Back to work in Wells....slow going, as the roads are so narrow I had to park up and walk round half of it! 

Driving out of town, we happened upon a herd of llamas being taken for a walk. I wound the window down and complained that the sight had "Nearly set my car allama off!" One bloke laughed, and responded with "Haven't heard that one before..." Aki drove us in to London, getting home around 1930. Ordered a takeaway from the Afghan Kitchen and watched some telly. Inspiring documentary by Frank Gardner, who was shot and paralysed by Al Qaeda terrorists in Riyadh 15 years ago. 

Thursday 1 July 2021

Wednesday 30th June 2021

Up early as we had to cram in as many inspections as possible before heading back to Norwich for a 1715 booking at my favourite Norfolk restaurant, Benedicts. Couldn't get a later sitting. Aki wanted to join me today, as I was headed for the seaside. Drove back to North Walsham, then on to Cromer in time for lunch...I dropped Aki on the Esplanade, and went on to do my inspections in Cromer and Sheringham. Unfortunately, the weather was most unseasonal, and Aki had to wander about in the drizzle and high winds, eventually taking shelter in a cafe where she found a warming cup of tea and a crab sandwich. I picked her back up in town, and we drove on to Holt, and Briston, before calling it a day and heading back to No.82, then walking into the city centre to find our seat at Benedicts. I hadn't realised that they no longer did an a la carte menu, so we had no choice but to go for the five course taster menu! An expensive treat, but largely an adventurous one....we enjoyed our pork balls, salmon tart, and mini chedders (pictured), and the smoked trout on a pea fricasse. Got back in time to watch Andy Murray get through a five setter against an unknown German qualifier. 

Tuesday 29th June 2021

Got up early. Popped across the road to get a coffee at Cafe Nero. Aki stopping in Norwich today, so I headed out alone for inspections in villages largely to the NE of Norwich. Stopped off at Tesco to get some adds and ends to augment our breakfasts/lunches. Got to North Walsham for a late lunch sat in the car in a layby in the drizzle. A lot to get around in the town, so had to pack in before I'd got round everything if I wanted to get back in time for the England game. Got back to No.82 just in time for kick off. Aki had bought a chicken joint in M&S and had stuck it in the oven. Our enjoyment of the game was suddenly interrupted by some strange noises emanating from the kitchen...we discovered water pouring through one of the kitchen downlights onto the worktop and floor. I hastened upstairs and knocked on the door of the room above us...the bloke who answered the door said his wife was in the shower. Rang the emergency number given by the accommodation, but no-one there...probably watching the game!