Thursday 1 April 2021

Thursday 1st April 2021

Aki up early as she had another site visit to make this morning. I pottered away at the plasterwork in the back bedroom, sanding down the filler on the ceiling crack, and opening up the blown plaster above the wardrobe. Aki dragged me out for a walk this afternoon...pleasant afternoon. We walked up to Hampstead Heath ponds, where we stopped for an ice cream, and then on to Kenwood House, as Aki wanted to see the magnolia tree we visit every year. My feet were killing me by the time we got home. 

Cooked sticky orange chicken with fondant potatoes for dinner, then zoomed in for the Book Club meet. Views on "Girl, Woman, Other" were mixed, but no-one stuck up for it's literary pretensions. I only managed to get halfway, and Gareth not even that, predictably. We chose "The Devil in the Marshalsea" for the April read. Watched MasterChef...inspired to try my hand at a chicken balotine, and get some square moulds for pommes anna.

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