Saturday 10 April 2021

Saturday 10th April 2021

Woken with strange stabbing sensation to back of head...hope it's not a vaccine induced bleed on the brain! Chose to ignore it, though it happened several times over the course of the morning. Cooked a big brunch, then Aki cycled down to Essex Road to stand in the queue at the butchers'. Watched a historic Grand National this afternoon, which saw the first ever female jockey win the thing! Quite extraordinary scenes...brought tears to the eyes! As did the fate of my two horses...Secret Reprieve didn't run, but I managed to put some money on Discorama, which came in seventh, while Yala Enki fell about three quarters of the way round while in a decent position behind the leading pack. Bryony Frost was on board, and was taken to hospital after the fall. 

Aki cooked up a Korean prawn soup with kimchi...very tasty, though a bit spicy for me. I poached pears in red wine, served with my homemade kumquat ice cream. Watched "Lost in La Mancha" charting Terry Gilliam's disastrous attempt to film Don Quixote...saw it at the Edinburgh Film Festival about 20 years ago, and wanted to revisit it as he recently completed the project, and there's a follow up documentary I want to see. Though the film can't be anywhere near as dramatic as the documentary...extraordinary tale of repeated bad luck. MOTD, bath, bed...

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