Tuesday 20 April 2021

Tuesday 20th April 2021

Had a wee turn in the night...pain in my left arm, but not as bad as during the day yesterday. I feel pretty sure it's an RSI thing! Spent the day in front of the computer. Aki popped out to the Chinese shop mid-afternoon to get some odds and ends for tonight's meal. I finished a bit early, around 1700, and read a bit more of The Devil in the Marshalsea...it's easy enough to read, but highly dissatisfying. Feel duty bound to complete it, having put it on the book club choice list. Watched a bit of telly after dinner...nothing much on, so we listened to a recent episode of Word of Mouth on BBC Sounds...glad to hear Michael Rosen's dulcet tones back on the airwaves. BBC News carried reports of Derek Chauvin being found guilty of murdering George Floyd...at last, a little bit of justice is seen to be done!

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