Sunday 25 April 2021

Sunday 25th April 2021

Aki up early as she was heading off for rowing club. Not as nice a day as yesterday...bit cold out in the wind. I called Katrina to see if she had a contact from her leasehold enfranchisement, and she recommended I speak to Lesley, as she had bought her freehold more recently. Gave Lesley a bell...she used a specialist company based in Croydon. Nipped out to the cake stall outside No.104...the kids there are raising funds for Earth Day...Gareth had offered a cup of tea and some cake in his back garden at No.120...bumped into Ben and Gayu, and Carlos and Jane, and had a wee chat in the street before they disappeared in to Gareth's. I had arranged a zoom chat with Eddy, so brought my cake back for that...he looks well, and we did a bit of reminiscing. He revealed that the cottage they've been doing up is in Brittany, in a hamlet called Branzar. May be we'll get to call in one day! FaceTimed ma and pa....Kath there having her lunch. Aki had lunch at the rowing club...the sun had come out by then! I started learning Loving Cup on the guitar...nearly halfway through Exile now! Pasta and ragu for dinner. Watched the final episode of Homeland...nicely crafted ending to a long running series. Clever stuff. 

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