Sunday 18 April 2021

Sunday 18th April 2021

Dreamt I was sitting in the living-room, when a mouse popped out from beneath the kitchen kick-board. I managed to frighten it back under the kitchen units, and found I could position myself at one end of the kitchen and look through a hole in the wall to see what was going on under the kitchen units. Aki up early to cook breakfast before setting off for the River Lea and the Rowing Club. I did 4 hours in front of the computer. We had a walk up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park and an ice cream from the cafe. Aki cooked cod and lentils for dinner. FaceTimed ma and pa, who were entertaining Kath. Dad had enjoyed a swim last week in the newly refurbished Ponteland pool. I tried my new CPAP mask on, as it's been an uncomfortable experience so far...tried tightening the straps for a more air tight fit. Spoke to Lynne about plans to jointly purchase the freehold interest here. Government on the verge of announcing new legislation which will include a calculator to determine the premium...may be worth waiting until the legislation is finalised before proceeding.

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