Saturday 3 April 2021

Saturday 3rd April 2021

Got up to put Aki's birthday croissants in the oven...we had them with lemon curd...and prosecco. She opened her present, a fandangled herb garden with LED lights to hasten plant growth...hope it works! It wasn't cheap! Flowers arrived from John, Margaret, and Kath, and Helen biked round some more this afternoon. Bit cold out, so we decided not to venture out for a walk...sunnier forecast for tomorrow, which means Aki plans to hit the rowing club in the morning. 

I did a bit of (rather poor) plastering to the bedroom ceiling. Sent a photo to the folks picturing Aki getting plastered on her birthday. Cooked up the venison stew, and made hand rolled pici noodles for starters. Finished off with Eglal's tiramisu, which was a step too far. Saved half of it for tomorrow. Watched the BBC "imagine" documentary, an interview with Kazuo Ishiguro and a look at his 40 year writing career. Always got time for Kazuo...very erudite chap. 

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