Monday 12 April 2021

Monday 12th April 2021

Aki up early to make contact with her mum in Tokyo. Japan have a first Masters Champion in Hideki Matsuyama...Aki very proud. He comes across as a very likable chap. I worked in front of the computer most of the day. Aki needed to visit site in Finchley at lunchtime, so downed an early lunch. I spent my lunch break making a next level apple and pear crumble...the addition of custard powder to the crumble mix, and a fruity, sugary, buttery syrup to the apples and pears, took it to the next level. We had some when Aki returned, with homemade ice cream. Delicious. Prawn noodle soup for dinner, then watched a bit of telly. Colin Yates rang for a wee chat. Promised to catch up with them in Hove in the summer once we are ensconced in Worthing come August. Sounds like he's winding down toward retirement. Trudi unable to work, as her rheumatoid arthritis flares up every now and then. 

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