Saturday 17 April 2021

Friday 16th April 2021

Terrible night's sleep...tried the new facemask for my CPAP machine, which covers my mouth as well as my nose. I don't know why, may be because the air flow felt a bit colder than I was used to, but I seemed to shorten my breaths, which may or may not have lead to my feeling decidedly dizzy when I got up in the night for the loo. I then spent the next hour vainly trying to get back to sleep. Still felt a bit dizzy when I got up this morning. Sat in front of the computer all day. Aki cycled off to the River Lea after breakfast for a row with her skuller mates. Nice day for it. Warmed up the Spanish bean stew for dinner, and finished off the fruit crumble. Watched Terry Gilliam's extraordinary "Tideland" this evening...masterfully directed, sumptuously designed, beautifully lit with painterly camerawork on a wide screen canvas, but where it fell down a rabbit hole was when it came to the actors opening their mouths...they spoke in a Gothicscript Southern drawl which meant we barely understood a word anybody said! Very disappointing, but it passed the time...

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