Monday 5 April 2021

Sunday 4th April 2021

Aki cooked omelette for breakfast, then I painted the bits of plasterwork in the back bedroom. Paint looks a slightly different colour to the original, which means I'll have to paint the whole wall!! Tried FaceTiming ma and pa, but the signal wasn't good. Went out for a walk down to Highbury Fields, and back via Blackstock Road. Nice day for it. Came home and cooked a late Sunday lunch, timing it with Skyping Tony, and Katrina. Tony was missing his dog...she's at his parents' house in Seaford. Katrina still looking for a new home in the Hastings area...spends many an evening poring over the Rightmove website, but doesn't sound as though much will happen this year. Indulged in a bit of nostalgia, and watched "Gregory's Girl"...hasn't aged particularly well in terms of cinematic experience, but many charming moments.

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