Wednesday 31 March 2021

Wednesday 31st March 2021

Woke around 0400 with waves of stabbing pain in my right testicle...a bit perturbing! Eventually  managed to get back to sleep, and no recurrence this morning. Very odd! Aki up early, this time shooting off to the rowing club, now that Coronavirus restrictions have been lifted a bit. She couldn't get out of the front door fast enough! Spent the morning killing ants and gouging more plaster out of the bedroom ceiling prior to effecting some repair. Nipped out to TescoExpress for some odds and ends, and got some tiramisu for Saturday, from Girasole. The sun didn't really come out today, after all, but I ventured out back to assist Margaret with cutting away some creeper that grows over the church hall roof...should guarantee me a hot-cross-bun come Friday! Cooked a rather bland aubergine biryani with a lentil dahl. Watched the England v Poland World Cup qualifier. A nervy 2-1 win. Nodded off on the sofa...

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