Monday 5 April 2021

Monday 5th April 2021

Slow start this morning...Aki had risen early to make an attempt to call up her mum, which failed on this occassion, as her mum's ipad seemed to be uploading updates which meant they couldn't communicate. Aki headed for Waitrose after breakfast, while I sat around reading and downing coffee. I ventured out mid afternoon for some odds and ends, walking up to the grocer on Stroud Green Road, then to Sainsburys, and finally calling in at Girasole for a jar of mushroom sauce. FaceTimed Kath briefly, as she was on her way to work, and ma and pa, who had been for a drive out to South Shields to photograph a church for the Ponteland Civic Society newsletter. Aki cooked stuffed cabbage for dinner. Watched The National's filmed version of "Romeo & Juliet" on Sky Arts...very moving, honed production, although it was a bit difficult to get passed the fact that Romeo was played by the actor who plays Prince Charles in "The Crown"!!! 

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