Tuesday 27 April 2021

Tuesday 27th April 2021


Weird dream sequence last night. Went to a rock concert with Ray at Tottenham Stadium. Got up to our seats, but we were very early, so went back down again...Ray went for a drive in his car, while I walked around a village green looking into pub windows. The village green was paved over with an intricate maze of interlocking steps, and I found myself jumping off the higher ones, just for fun. Found myself in somebody's empty house, but was surprised by the return of the owner's son, and he walked me back to the stadium, where I climbed back up towards my seat, with Lou...don't know where she appeared from! Got halfway up the stairwell, and asked the sound guys if we could take a short cut through their 'studio', and one of them waved us through, saying it would lead to his sister's house, who was throwing a house party! Got up and downed a pint of tea before setting off on the road. Drove up the M11 to Birchanger Green Services and bought some biscuits, then on to Stevenage, and Welwyn, where I popped in on me old Countrywide boss and got a tour of the shed at the bottom of his garden where he now works for Savills! Then on to St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, and Watford. Had my lunch in the car on a housing estate in Frogmore, to the south of St Albans. Got home about 1830. Aki served up baked salmon for dinner, followed by pear crumble and custard. Nowt on the telly tonight. Bath and bed...

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