Monday 26 April 2021

Monday 26th April 2021

Aki up early to call her mum. I struggled to rouse myself this morning...funny taste in my mouth! Hope I'm not coming down with a dose of the covids!!! Spent most of the morning trying to sort out the complete mess that is our energy switch...approached Octopus Energy, having had an email from Peoples Energy saying they had cancelled our account! What a bunch of amateurs!!! Also tried to make contact with Leasehold Law LLP to see if they could take on our freehold enfranchisement, but their phone no. merely lead to a full voicemail inbox, so I emailed them instead. I await a reply. Popped out to Tesco for some milk. Came home and started making a pear crumble, only to find we'd run out of butter...had to go back to Tesco! Aki cooked a mapo for dinner. Very tasty... Boris under fire for reportedly saying he'd rather see bodies pile up in the streets than declare a second lockdown...hopefully his party will soon give him the boot! 

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