Thursday 15 April 2021

Thursday 15th April 2021

Woke in the early hours to find myself grinding my teeth...pushing my lower jaw forward so the lower front teeth ground against the upper front teeth...felt like my jaw had dislocated! Horrible! Back on the road again...this time over to south, east, and north Norfolk. Ended the day having done 310 miles! Stopped off at Birchanger Services on the M11, and Tesco on the outskirts of Bury St Edmunds. Had my lunch in a layby on the road to Diss. Rained quite heavily this afternoon. Got home just after 1900. Aki had cooked a mushroom risotto...very tasty. Watched "Homeland", and new comedy series starring Dromnall Gleeson, called "Frank of Ireland". Had its' moments, but not as good as "The Walshes". Bath and bed...

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