Sunday 11 April 2021

Sunday 11th April 2021

Vivid dreams last night, though can't quite piece together a meaningful narrative. I recall Richard Atkinson (MD on a rock musical I did at Harrogate), berating me for not learning my lines properly at an emergency cast meeting in a green room somewhere; and helping train a new graduate surveyor, going round to work with him at his one point I discovered he had a bird nesting beneath a chair in his living room.  Aki up early in preparation for a visit to the River Lea Rowing Club. I stayed home and watched the highlights of the Masters golf tournament...Matsuyama takes a 4 stroke lead into the final round, and could become the first Japanese man to win a major. FaceTimed the folks, who had Kath round. Dad was mapping out a landscape plan for Kath's front garden. Kath reported that Jim's old mate Glen, from Hull college days, had passed away. Vaguely recall meeting him a couple of times...think he came to the Lake District for Jim's stag week, and was very competitive when it came to ordering the hottest madras in the local Indian restaurant. Aki very weary after her exertions on the River Lea...we lounged about for the rest of the afternoon doing very little. Slow cooked a roast chicken, served up with cheesey leeks. Watched "Stan & Ollie" this evening. Great performances from Coogan and Reilly...brought tears to the eyes, and reminded me of the greatest night I have yet spent in a cinema...went to see six Laurel & Hardy silent shorts at the arts cinema in Hyde Park, Leeds, 20 odd years ago...they had a full house rolling in the aisles some 80 years after they'd shot the films...I shall never forget that night!

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