Friday 2 April 2021

Friday 2nd April 2021

Aki up early to cycle to the River Lea Rowing Club. I went shopping for prosecco and croissants for her birthday breakfast tomorrow, and pooped into the DIY shop for some external filler. Made the marinade for the diced venison, which went in the fridge. Having that for dinner tomorrow. Finished writing a little ditty to mark Aki's all systems go! Kath texted to report that she'd received her second jab. Aki made ramen for lunch, then had to drive up to Finchley for another site meeting. Margaret dropped by with some freshly baked hot cross buns. I took delivery of some shopping from Waitrose, then made the canederli for tomorrow. Aki cooked sea bass for dinner. Watched MasterChef. Lynne came down to borrow the mouse repellent, as she had seen a baby mouse in her living-room! Sounds like there's a family in residence...

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