Friday 30 April 2021

Friday 30th April 2021


Aki up early this morning as she was planning to head for the rowing club. When she went to get her bike out of the bike shed, she noticed that some homeless person had taken a huge dump on our footpath. She shot off on her bike, and I decided to ignore it for a while and do some work, while I thought how best to tackle the problem...I was going to ask the neighbour if I could borrow their power hose. About half an hour later, I heard a noise outside, and found John and Danny from Islington Council hosing it all down for us! It transpires they had made a regular inspection of the alleyway beside the church next door, where this seems to be a regular problem, and they had noticed the delivery on our as if by magic, they made my problem disappear! Heroes!!! Back on the road this afternoon to mop up the external inspections on the Hightown job...drove to Taplow, up to the Chalfonts, Maple Cross, Chesham, and Berkhamsted. Back home by 1815. Aki fried up some cod for dinner. Watched The Mauritanian. Good performance from Tahar Rahim, last seen as the serial killer in The Serpent. Jodie Foster looking old...remember her in Bugsy Malone, for God's sake! 

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