Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Tuesday 5th March 2024

Fitful night’s sleep, despite going to bed feeling weary. Woke around 0700. Read in bed for a bit. Heard Kath getting up to go to work. Must have nodded back off…it was gone 0900 when I woke again. Got up to discover dad had cooked me some porridge in the rice cooker he got for Xmas…told me it would be ready in about 20 minutes, so had to wait…turned out it had finished cooking about 45 minutes before, and had switched to ‘warm’ mode…I told him I normally did porridge in the microwave and that it took 40 seconds! Did an hour or so’s work at my laptop before lunch…soup and toast. Drove the Up! over to Throckley, with Kath and mum, to do a quick shop in Sainsbury’s. Drove on down to Newbury for a quick walk along the Tyne in the glorious sunshine. Back home, Kath prepped some pork chops, and I made apple sauce, and then cooked a gooseberry and rhubarb crumble. Kath had to go off to work after dinner. Watched the rather odd film, Roads Not Taken, which we couldn’t make head nor tail of.

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