Monday 18 March 2024

Friday 15th March 2024

Woke around 0830. Dived in the shower, then dressed for breakfast downstairs. Did a little work at my laptop, then packed my belongings, and checked out. Grabbed a coffee at Chatham Docks, then drove over to the Wayfield Estate. Knocked on doors all morning. Got into a few. At No.39 Churchill Avenue I was greeted by the tenant's five Dachshund! They were very vocal, and chased me into the kitchen...I was lucky to escape with my ankles! Finished up in Walderslade, and drove over to Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre to find some lunch. Turned for home. Got back about 1545. Vince popped in to discuss attacking the concrete underneath the kitchen sink in order to secure the pipework and prevent further risk of flooding...he turned up just as I was piecing together the mini-greenhouse I'd picked up from IKEA earlier in the week. Pencilled in a date for the middle of next week. Aki cooked salmon Japanese style, with rice and miso soup. 

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