Saturday, 2 March 2024

Friday 1st March 2024

Got up around 0800 and descended for breakfast. My left foot giving me gip this morning, so took the lift! Checked out and headed for Walderslade in the pouring rain. The weather cleared mid-morning, so I was able to target some units where I knew I would have to carry out my inspections on foot. Parked up in the multi-storey car park in Chatham town centre, and popped in to Sainsburys to get a sarnie. Drove to the car park on Slicketts Hill, overlooking the grim town centre, and ate my lunch in the car. Came across a rather strange vegetarian mural on the end of a row of houses in Chatham...not sure whether there is any hidden meaning for the locals. Finished my inspections around 1700 and headed for Strood, where I used the facilities at Morrisons before striking for home. Got in around 1930. Aki had cooked mapo and rice, with a miso soup on the side, for a tasty dinner. Spent most of the evening in front of the computer trying to work out why my hotmail account had stopped functioning...a pain in the arse, as I email the photos of the stock I take during the day across to my Savills email account, but about 60 were stuck in limbo, going nowhere. Tried to delete thousands past emails in order to free up storage space in the hotmail account, but it didn't make much difference. Bathed and went to bed, hoping to sort it all out in the morning...

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