Friday 22 March 2024

Friday 22nd March 2024

Woke around 0830. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club. Brought me a mug of tea. Read some “Miniaturist” before rising for porridge. Worked at the computer for a few hours. Broke for lunch...ambled round to the Upper Place in the drizzle. Piero not there, but ordered the scarpetti. Walked round to Morrisons and Waitrose to do some shopping ahead of our guests arriving on Sunday...bit of cooking to do tomorrow! Aki back when I got home. Sat in front of the computer for most of the remainder of the afternoon. Aki cooked fish for dinner, coating some hake fillets with breadcrumbs and lemon. Marmalade ice cream for afters with stem ginger and syrup... yummy! Watched "People Just Do Nothing in Japan"...very silly, but they do very silly very well. Watched The Ten...horrific scenes from a concert hall in Moscow, the audience attacked by Islamic State gunmen...what a world we are living in...very depressing. Bath and bed...

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