Saturday 2 March 2024

Saturday 24th February 2024

Got up at 0900 and made tea. Got back into bed and read for a bit. Aki cooked breakfast. Booked tickets for the ArtHouse Cinema tonight. Ambled over to Morrisons to get some shopping. Bit of a queue at the checkouts, so Aki soldiered on alone to Waitrose. Back home I made Turkish milk puddings...needed to pop back out to the shop to get some pistachio kernels. I cooked an aubergine and prawn curry for dinner, with dal tadka on the side, and a chapati. Walked up Hornsey Rise to Cround End for tonight's showing of Wim Wender's 2023 film "Perfect Days", which follows a public toilet maintenance man as he goes about inspecting the lavatories of urban Tokyo. A rather unprepossessing notion, but it turned out to be a delightful, slow-burning exploration of human a simple life of hard work, focus, and care, can bring contentment. He's a kind of monk of the public convenience. Great soundtrack...The Kinks, The Stones, The Velvet Underground, The Animals, Nina Simone, amongst others. Enjoyed a beer in the bar, and walked back up to Crouch End Hill to catch a No.91 bus home. 

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