Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Tuesday 19th March 2024

Woke at 0830. Got up and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch...finished off the leek fritter batter, with poached eggs on top. Aki had to venture out for a training session on how to look after the new Community Garden further up the street, so I accompanied her as far as the barrier, then walked on up Holloway Road, to Waterlow Park. Bought a coffee and a biscuit at Lauderdale House, and sat on a bench overlooking the London Basin, then walked back down Highgate Hill to do a little shopping. Surprised to find the trainee gardeners (mostly members of the Sussex Way Book Club) were still in attendance outside No.129...took their photo and briefly stopped to say hello, then ambled home before anyone had a chance to proffer me a trowel. Did a little more work at the computer before breaking for dinner. Warmed up a couple of portions of the pork and vegetable stew, and we added some boiled potato and carrot. Flaked out on the sofa for half the evening, letting some telly drift over us...nowt on worthy of our concentration, though we gave "Newark, Newark" a try...script a bit hit and miss, but Morgana's always very watchable. Bath and bed...

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