Monday 4 March 2024

Monday 4th March 2024

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea, which I drank in bed. Got up and porridged, and did a bit of tidying...brought the car down to the front of the flat, and loaded some detritus in the boot so as to clear the spare bedroom for Tokiko's stay later in the week. Did an hour's work at the computer. Got an email stating that today's train journey may be disrupted, but no further details as to what this might entail! Finished packing and heated up some soup to take on the train journey. Said farewell to Aki and walked round to the No.91 bus stop only to find a bus wasn’t due for 30 minutes! Wheeled my luggage down to the bus stop on Tollington Road and caught a No.259 to Kings Cross. The departure board implied my train was on time, so grabbed a coffee before boarding. Pulled out of KX at 1300. 

Had my soup before we got to Peterborough. Kath picked me up from Newcastle Central station…she’d been working at Chilli Bizarre. Drove to Darras Hall…ma and pa greeted us in the hall…they look in good shape. Dad cooked his signature chicken tikka masala for dinner, followed by treacle sponge and custard. Aki FaceTimed us…Miho was there enjoying my apple and pear crumble. She has retired, and seems to be enjoying the high life…she has tickets booked for several performances at the Royal Ballet this week!!! We sat in the living room and watched a documentary following the trial of the Asian bloke who pushed his pregnant wife off Arthur’s Seat…all rather grim.

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