Sunday 10 March 2024

Saturday 9th March 2024

Didn’t manage to get downstairs for breakfast much before 1000. Had breakfast with ma and pa, Kath showing up a little later. Started cooking the beef stew, and left it to simmer on the hob for a couple of hours. I walked down to the shops in Darras Hall to get milk and bought a couple of filled rolls from the bakery. We shared the two rolls between four of us for lunch, with a little salad. Did a couple of hours at the laptop this afternoon. I ordered an Indian takeaway for dinner, which Kath drove down to pick up. Very tasty…the chicken biryani was excellent, and the lamb rogan gohst was deliciously tender. Ice cream and Snickers bar for afters. Languished on the sofa, reading mostly, and watched a bit of telly. FaceTimed Aki before watching The Ten, followed by a bit of MOTD. Did a little prep ahead of tomorrow’s Sunday roast before retiring to bed and reading for awhile…

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