Sunday 31 March 2024

Thursday 28th March 2024

Woke around 0915. Hauled myself out of bed and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch at 1245. I cooked poached eggs and parma ham, with avocado and halloumi cheese. Raining outside...had fancied a constitutional up Highgate Hill, but looks too inclement...hope it brightens up for the Easter weekend! Managed another couple of hours at the computer in the afternoon. Aki popped out to help Margaret next door set up her new BT Hub. I broke at 1730. Aki cooked an aubergine and okra curry for dinner, which we ate with dal and chapatis. Nowt on telly. Finished "The Miniaturist"…can’t say it blew me away. Started CD’s “Our Mutual Friend”…that’s more like it!!! Bath and bed…

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