Saturday 2 March 2024

Monday 26th February 2024

Got up reasonably early. Porridged, and warmed up some soup for my packed lunch. Aki headed off for Southwark Crown Court to deliberate in the Jury Room. I packed a bag and headed south-eastward. Put some petrol in the car at Manor House, then drove down through the Blackwall Tunnel. Picked up a coffee at the cafe in Shorne, to the west of Strood, then drove on to inspections in several villages on the Hoo Peninsula. Parked up outside a static caravan park in Allhallows and had my soup. Ended the working day in Strood, then drove up toward Gillingham and checked in at the Premier Inn. The weather was too unpleasant to consider venturing out so I ate the in-house restaurant…it was OK, though my steak and ale pie was a bit burnt. Watched some of the Coventry City v Maidstone FA Cup tie. FaceTimed Aki before bed…

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