Sunday, 10 March 2024

Friday 8th March 2024

Woke around 0930. Descended for breakfast with ma and pa. Drove the Up! to Kingston Park and parked at the Metro station. Paid by phone app but then realised that it would have inputted my car reg, not mum’s, so had to pay again! Had to wait 15 minutes for a train. Met Kath at the Central Arcade and we had a browse in Windows for old time’s sake. Repaired to the Tyneside Cinema for a coffee, then stuck our heads in at the impressive food hall in Fenwicks. Kath had parked up round the corner, and we drove back to Kingston Park to do a big shop at Tesco. Kath dropped me at M&S and I looked in vain for a nut roast for Emma for Sunday lunch. Drove back to High View for peanut butter on toast and a cuppa tea. Started prepping a beef bourguignon, having defrosted the meat…marinated the diced beef in some red wine, plan being to cook it tomorrow. Kath made a tasty fish pie for dinner. Finished off the fruit crumble for afters. Collapsed onto the sofa and watched a bit of telly…really enjoyed the Johnny Cash documentary, made on his 1968 tour, taking in footage with his family, paying a visit to his derelict childhood home, and some live concert footage…great stuff!

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