Sunday 31 March 2024

Thursday 28th March 2024

Woke around 0915. Hauled myself out of bed and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch at 1245. I cooked poached eggs and parma ham, with avocado and halloumi cheese. Raining outside...had fancied a constitutional up Highgate Hill, but looks too inclement...hope it brightens up for the Easter weekend! Managed another couple of hours at the computer in the afternoon. Aki popped out to help Margaret next door set up her new BT Hub. I broke at 1730. Aki cooked an aubergine and okra curry for dinner, which we ate with dal and chapatis. Nowt on telly. Finished "The Miniaturist"…can’t say it blew me away. Started CD’s “Our Mutual Friend”…that’s more like it!!! Bath and bed…

Thursday 28 March 2024

Wednesday 27th March 2024

Aki up with alarm at 0730. I dozed until 0830. I got up and prepared breakfast for Kath and Jim, and Aki cycled off to Springfield Park. Our guests packed their bags, and I walked them round to the bus stop round the corner, where we said our farewells. Worked at the computer until 1300, when Aki got back for lunch, it having just started raining. Did a little more at the computer in the afternoon. Broke at 1700 and slumped onto the sofa to watch "Pointless". Aki put dinner together, utilising the leftovers from last night's Japanese-themed feast. Watched episode 3 of "3 Body Problem"...can't make out what the actors are saying some of the time, which adds an unwanted extra layer of impenetrability! Bathed after News at Ten...then bed.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Tuesday 26th March 2024

Woke around 0630...managed to doze a little before I heard Katherine get up. I rose to prepare breakfast. Made them some tea, and set out the breakfast table...overnight oats soaked in mocha and coffee, which went down well. Jim and Kath then headed out to go visit chums in Brockley. I sat at the computer for a couple of hours whilst Aki worked on tonight's meal for intended guests. Lunched on cheese on toast, as dinner was shaping up to be a Japanese epic. Aki working hard in the kitchen, throwing everything at it, so we were disappointed when Jim rang to say Barney was too exhausted after his eight date European Tour to contemplate hauling himself back to Finsbury Park ...understandable....he looked a bit weary at the restaurant last night, it has to be said. So our freezer is going to be a bit full tonight! Oh well, can't be helped. 

Worked at the computer until 1700. Jim and Katherine turned up around 1730. Very pleasant evening...Aki had prepared a stunning Japanese feast, which we kicked off with sake...Jim and Kath got stuck in and tried everything, despite being entirely unfamiliar with the food. Jim loved the belly pork, mouli and mange tout, while Katherine enjoyed the sesame coated fried aubergine. The sashimi seemed to go down well,though Jim didn't eat much of it, preferring to stick with the meat and vegetables. Chocolate Guinness cake and marmalade ice cream to follow. We repaired to the easy chairs and, it raining rather heavily outside, decided to cancel a walk up to the open mic night at the North Nineteen, and instead sang a few songs and played some tunes in the living-room.

Monday 25th March 2024

Managed to haul myself out of bed after a fitful night's sleep, and prepare the breakfast table. Jim and Kath were slow to rise after last night's late night. I cooked Turkish eggs for breakfast, and once we had all recovered some momentum, we headed out for a constitutional. Walked them up to see the Banksy round the corner, then on to Archway. Stopped a quarter of the way up Highgate Hill for coffee at Archies...Jim and I left Katherine and Aki there, and we headed back to Sussex Way as Jim was to join a zoom meeting with Barney and his financial advisers ahead of an imminent £600,000 four year contract. Aki walked Katherine up the hill to Waterlow Park and the art gallery at Lauderdale House. They got back home around 1630, and we chilled out before walking over to Osteria Tufo for dinner. Barney already sat waiting for us (he reckoned Jim had told him 1800, even though I'd sent Barney a text with the 1830 booking time). 

Everyone enjoyed the restaurant, despite the opera singing waiter being absent...Aki and I shared a burrata starter and some n'duja toast...I had the pappardelle with a pork sausage ragu. Genna was able to join us toward the end of the meal, and had herself a burrata starter whilst the rest of tucked into tiramisu and carnoli. During conversation, she mentioned that as a 10 year old she had won a local embroidery prize...she and her mum lived in Hexham...her mum's still there. I mentioned Kath and her denim shoulder bags, and Hexham Market, and Genna reckoned her mum had bought one! Walked home, leaving Genna and Barney on Seven Sisters Road. Back in the flat, we watched "Tokyo Stories", a 90 minute documentary looking at the recent Ashmolean "Tokyo" art exhibition, which focussed on contemporary Tokyo artists and the influence of Japanese culture on the modern art produced in the city. Bath and bed...

Sunday 24th March 2024

Got up and breakfasted, or rather, enjoyed a late brunch. I baked the Guinness cake, ready for icing later. Got a bus to Finsbury Park, and then took the Victoria Line to Kings Cross to meet Jim and Katherine off the Leeds train at 1315. Walked them round the corner to get a No.91 bus home nly to find the road closed as a huge crane was lifting lengths of another crane into position behind the Premier Inn. Walked to Caledonian Road, but realised we were still on the one-way system, so had to double back and catch a bus on Euston Road, which was obviously on detour. Got home and got our guests settled, and we caught up over tea and amaretti biscuits. Aki and Katherine went out for a brief walk, and Jim went for a lie down...they had been out late last night at MRCY's gig in Manchester, and had it all to do again tonight! I iced the Guinness cake, and stuck the dinner in the oven, and we ate around 1730...the aubergine parmigiana lasagne was a hit, followed by chocolate Guinness cake and marmalade crumb ice cream. Caught a bus to Finsbury Park, then a Piccadilly Line train to Hammersmith, and made our way toward the Apollo...big SOLD OUT sign above the entrance doors, and a huge queue snaking it's way around the frontage. Jim and Kath had passes for downstairs, whilst we had standing tickets right at the back of the Circle...the stage looked very distant from our vantage point. 

Got talking to the guy next to us, who was over from Cardiff at the invitation of his London-based son...they were Black Pumas fans...I hadn't realised how popular The Black Pumas were. MRCY came on at 2000 and did a half-hour support set. They were excellent...they are basically Barney (on bass) and his co-writer, Kojo, a singer of West African descent, born and raised in Woolwich...only last year he was working the tills in Lidl! His voice is sublime...a bit of Marvin Gaye mixed with the purity of tone of Diana Ross...gorgeous. They had hired in a keyboard player, a mate of Kojo's on drums, and a multi-instrumentalist who played keyboards, fiddle, and guitar...all superb. I was astonished that so many people had turned up to see the support's a huge venue, and MRCY got a rousing reception. The guy from Cardiff reckoned them "awesome...they're going to go places!", and his son booked tickets for their forthcoming Soho gig in June!!! We stuck around for the first four or five Black Pumas numbers...the lighting design was way over the top, with banks of bright lights that would be pointed at the audience every now and then, blinding us all. Good band...US soul with a bit of funk thrown in. We decanted to the Circle Bar where we found Barney's mates Tom, Louie, and Jack, and Jim, Kath and Genna joined us five minutes later, before Barney came out from backstage. Everyone in good form, and we'd all had a good night. Wandered round the corner to the Duke of Cornwall for a beer with Kojo and members of Barney's label and management...good vibes all round, and it looks like Barney is due for a meteoric rise to the upper levels of the UK music business...amazing! Eventually managed to drag a loquacious and very proud father (Jim) out of the pub and get us all back to Finsbury Park just before the tube shut down. Got to bed at 0115...exhausted!!!

Saturday 23rd March 2024

Fitful night's sleep...hernia giving me perpetual gip these days. Woke about 0915. Aki got up and made tea before cycling off to the Farmer's Market to buy bread. I read in bed for awhile, then rose to make breakfast once Aki had triumphantly returned with the sourdough. Had a bit of a Spring clean before our guests arrive tomorrow. Vacuumed the spider webs from behind the fridge/freezer...well, as much as was possible without taking the appliance out of it's cubby hole altogether. Did some prep work on the planned aubergine parmigiana lasagne for tomorrow's dinner...made the tomato sauce. Watched a bit of the Women's Six Nations game between Wales and Scotland, as a friends' daughter was making her debut at Fullback for the Welsh. Did a bit of cooking, so it'll just be a case of bunging the lasagne in the oven tomorrow evening. Warmed up the last of the pork and greens stew, which we ate with orzo. Watched "Diana Ross at the BBC"...what a voice she had...her purity of tone! Bath and bed...

Friday 22 March 2024

Friday 22nd March 2024

Woke around 0830. Aki up to ready herself for Rowing Club. Brought me a mug of tea. Read some “Miniaturist” before rising for porridge. Worked at the computer for a few hours. Broke for lunch...ambled round to the Upper Place in the drizzle. Piero not there, but ordered the scarpetti. Walked round to Morrisons and Waitrose to do some shopping ahead of our guests arriving on Sunday...bit of cooking to do tomorrow! Aki back when I got home. Sat in front of the computer for most of the remainder of the afternoon. Aki cooked fish for dinner, coating some hake fillets with breadcrumbs and lemon. Marmalade ice cream for afters with stem ginger and syrup... yummy! Watched "People Just Do Nothing in Japan"...very silly, but they do very silly very well. Watched The Ten...horrific scenes from a concert hall in Moscow, the audience attacked by Islamic State gunmen...what a world we are living in...very depressing. Bath and bed...

Thursday 21st March 2024

Fitful night's sleep. Aki brought me a mug of tea, and I read in bed for awhile. Got up and porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch...Aki made Spanish omelette. Did some exercises after lunch. Aki cycled off to do a little shop. Managed to do another couple of hours at the computer. Aki made a mushroom and squash risotto for dinner, followed by cheese and biscuits. Watched episode 1 of “3 Body Problem” on Netflix, a complicated sci-fi adaptation weaving together several time zones and settings in China, Oxford, and Virtual Reality. Looked promising…

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Wednesday 20th March 2024

Aki up with the alarm at 0730...readied herself for Rowing Club. She brought me a tea, and I read some more of "The Miniaturist" in bed for a bit. Got up and porridged, then sat at the computer. Broke for lunch. Made some marmalade ice cream to stick in the freezer. Worked at the computer until 1800. Warmed up the chicken vinaigrette for dinner, with couscous and vegetables. Streamed Cillian Murphy’s Oscar winning turn as Oppenheimer…overlong at 3 hours, but given the narrative length, it was delivered with admirable clarity. 

Tuesday 19th March 2024

Woke at 0830. Got up and made tea. Porridged at the computer. Broke for lunch...finished off the leek fritter batter, with poached eggs on top. Aki had to venture out for a training session on how to look after the new Community Garden further up the street, so I accompanied her as far as the barrier, then walked on up Holloway Road, to Waterlow Park. Bought a coffee and a biscuit at Lauderdale House, and sat on a bench overlooking the London Basin, then walked back down Highgate Hill to do a little shopping. Surprised to find the trainee gardeners (mostly members of the Sussex Way Book Club) were still in attendance outside No.129...took their photo and briefly stopped to say hello, then ambled home before anyone had a chance to proffer me a trowel. Did a little more work at the computer before breaking for dinner. Warmed up a couple of portions of the pork and vegetable stew, and we added some boiled potato and carrot. Flaked out on the sofa for half the evening, letting some telly drift over us...nowt on worthy of our concentration, though we gave "Newark, Newark" a try...script a bit hit and miss, but Morgana's always very watchable. Bath and bed...

Monday 18 March 2024

Monday 18th March 2024

Woke around 0730. My back was giving me a bit of gip, so decided to get up and make tea. Sat at the computer, and did some work. Porridged. Worked at the computer until 1300. Broke for lunch, and made some leek fritters. Not sure they were worth the excessive effort...but made enough to have more for tomorrow's lunch. Took a constitutional...walked up Hornsey Road to view the new Banksy...quite a crowd had gathered. Someone remarked that the £400,000 building on which it has been painted was now worth £2 million! Walked on up to Fairbridge Road, calling in on Helen at No.14 for a wee catch up on the doorstep. Popped in at the Co-op on the way home to get some mushrooms for tonight's dinner. Did a little more work at the computer before cooking dinner...garlic mushrooms and shredded chicken with bucatini and peas. Ice cream and fruit compote for afters. Nowt on telly...tried episode 1 of The Gone, but weren't impressed. Read a bit of The Miniaturist before bath and bed...

Sunday 17th March 2024

Still slowly recovering from last week's work schedule! Aki up early, though, to ready herself for Rowing Club. I got up as she cycled off into the drizzle. Porridged. Ambled over to Waitrose to get some pork spare ribs and sausages to make tonight's planned meal, minestre maritata, the recipe for which appeared in yesterday's Guardian. Got home in time to watch the Chelsea v Leicester City quarter-final...another entertaining game, which finished with Chelsea edging ahead in the closing minutes. Aki got back in time for the Manchester United v Liverpool tie, which proved to be the game of the round...I was rooting for Klopp and his merry men, but they were undone in the final minute of extra time. Cooked the pork and vegetable stew. It was OK...I expected a bit more flavour, given that it had been simmering on the hob for two-and-a-half hours. Finished the tiramisu for afters. Caught up with Jim prior to his stay next weekend...they don't eat fish as they seem to have read too many scare stories about salmonella poisoning! I asked him if they were bringing their own food with them!?! Nowt on telly this evening...ended up watching a programme following the travails of the TfL staff as they work a shift on London's public transport system. Early bath, and bed...

Saturday 16th March 2024

Needed a bit of a lie in this morning. Aki got up and made tea, and I read in bed for awhile. Aki cooked a late breakfast. Rather damp day, so didn't venture out for a constitutional. Aki cycled off to Waitrose to get some supplies. I watched the Wolves v Coventry City FA Cup quarter-final. Great cup tie, which ended in a last minute win for the Sky Blues. We had a late lunch of cheese and biscuits. Watched a bit of the final day of the Six Nations rugby championship...Italy managed a famous win over the Welsh, who finished with the Wooden Spoon. Watched Manchester City v Newcastle...the Magpies were never really in it, and Manchester City march on to the semi-final. I cooked chicken vinaigrette with harissa, which we ate with couscous...the sherry vinegar was a little over-powering for my taste. Aki had bought tiramisu for afters. Watched the French narrowly defeat the English in the rugby in Lyons...good game.

Friday 15th March 2024

Woke around 0830. Dived in the shower, then dressed for breakfast downstairs. Did a little work at my laptop, then packed my belongings, and checked out. Grabbed a coffee at Chatham Docks, then drove over to the Wayfield Estate. Knocked on doors all morning. Got into a few. At No.39 Churchill Avenue I was greeted by the tenant's five Dachshund! They were very vocal, and chased me into the kitchen...I was lucky to escape with my ankles! Finished up in Walderslade, and drove over to Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre to find some lunch. Turned for home. Got back about 1545. Vince popped in to discuss attacking the concrete underneath the kitchen sink in order to secure the pipework and prevent further risk of flooding...he turned up just as I was piecing together the mini-greenhouse I'd picked up from IKEA earlier in the week. Pencilled in a date for the middle of next week. Aki cooked salmon Japanese style, with rice and miso soup. 

Thursday 14th March 2024

Woke around 0730. Made coffee and did half an hour at my laptop before showering and descending to the restaurant for breakfast. Headed out at 0915…made for the docks, and grabbed a coffee at Starbucks. Took a short walk to the coastal path, which afforded a view of Upnor Castle across the Medway. Spent the morning in the suburbs of Rochester, knocking on doors. Broke for lunch…parked up in the city centre and went to gawp at Dickens’ wooden two-storey chalet, which had once stood in the garden at Gads Hill Place…he was writing The Mystery of Edwin Drood in it when he was taken ill, the day before his death in 1870. It was a Christmas gift from an actor-manager who was based at the Lyceum, near CD's offices off The Aldwych, and came in flat pack proved too much for CD and chums to piece together, so they had to call for the assistance of the Lyceum's stage carpenter! Lunched in the pie and mash shop across the road, then walked down to take a quick look at the castle, and the cathedral, before returning to my car and driving out to knock on more doors. Broke at 1630 and drove back to the hotel. Uploaded some photos to my laptop, and watched The Six. Drove over to the marina for dinner at the Ship & Trades. Enjoyed the tortelloni with Mediterranean vegetables...wasn't so sure about the tempura anchovies starter. 

Wednesday 13th March 2024

Woke at 0800. Aki already up readying herself for Rowing Club. She brought me a mug of tea. Got up and porridged. Warmed some soup to take on my travels. Packed a bag and headed for Strood, stopping for petrol at Manor House, and calling in at IKEA in Greenwich to pick up Aki’s mini glasshouse from click and collect. Disappointed to discover the MHS tenants hadn’t received the promised letters warning of my coming, so had to work hard to get in to any property. Stopped to have my soup on Church Green, overlooking the Medway. Managed to get into 15 properties by close of play, much to my surprise. Checked in at Premier Inn in Gillingham. Drove to the Ship & Trades for dinner…new menu. Had confit of duck on a Belgian waffle topped with a fried egg, and a maple and sesame sauce…very craved the addition of some vegetables. 

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Tuesday 12th March 2024

Woke at 0800 after a decent night's sleep, though my bad hernia repair is giving me much grief. Got up and made tea, and plonked myself at the computer. Lots of writing up still to do after the inspections I did in Chatham before heading north. Aki ventured out into the rain, on a mission to visit Tammi for lunch in Earlsfield. I broke for lunch at 1300 and did some gentle exercises... could really do with a lengthy walk, but the rain looks set in for the day. Managed some more work at the computer in the afternoon. Aki returned around 1700. I cooked a creamy chicken and mushroom pasta sauce for dinner, which we ate with tagliatelle. Nowt much on telly. Andy Smith rang out of the blue...he's in London tonight, but too short notice to get him over here for the Open Mic night. Had a quick chat and he promised to give me more notice next time he's in town. Told me that his dad is now 93...lives in West Jesmond with his partner, and is in relatively good health, though very forgetful. I spent an hour or so trying, and eventually succeeding, in sticking some cash into my Savills Pension pot before the end of the financial year. Early bath and bed...

Monday 11th March 2024

Woke at 0830 after another fitful night. Descended for breakfast…dad had made porridge in his porridge making machine. Drove him down to the surgery in the village…dropped him at the door, then drove round to Waitrose to get some bits and pieces. Picked him up and drove home. Nurse reckons he may have a minor infection in his neck wound, but didn’t recommend antibiotics unless things take a turn for the worse. Mum had made soup for lunch. They then drove me to Callerton Parkway where we said our farewells and I got a train into Central Station. Had coffee and cake at the cafe on the concourse. The 1459 to Kings Cross was relatively quiet…only a couple of late straggling Newcastle United supporters aboard. Read a few chapters of "The Miniaturist" and dozed a bit. Got home before 1830. Aki had cooked trout with stir fried vegetables and bulgar wheat for dinnerNowt on telly, so sat and chatted a little, and played some guitar whilst Aki ran a bath...

Sunday 10th March 2024


Woken around 0600 by the sound of rain being thrown at the bedroom window by gusting winds…couldn’t get back to sleep properly after that, though must have dropped off at some point. Got up around 0930 and descended to make tea. Stuck mum’s Mother’s Day card and Easter egg in the porch for her to find later. Put three par-baked croissants in the oven, which we ate with butter and jam. Then set about making the peach tart tatin. Once that was out of the oven, I started roasting potatoes. Jim and Emma turned up. I stuck the chicken thighs in the oven with lemon wedges, lardons, and shallots, and then with 20 minutes to go added the stock, and put Emma’s mushroom pie in the oven. All seemed to go down well, though not sure mum ate much…she got through the chicken thigh, but didn’t appear to eat much else, but then complained when I presented her with a half portion of peach tart! Dad ate a lemon wedge thinking it a sliced potato, which gave him a bit of a startled look for the remainder of the meal!!! Chatted at the table for awhile afterward…Jim has been taken on as Head Gardener one day a week, starting next week. Should be entertaining…he was already talking up his slash and burn techniques. Jim and Emma drove off to her Emma’s mother, leaving the rest of us to collapse, exhausted and full, in the living room.

Sunday 10 March 2024

Saturday 9th March 2024

Didn’t manage to get downstairs for breakfast much before 1000. Had breakfast with ma and pa, Kath showing up a little later. Started cooking the beef stew, and left it to simmer on the hob for a couple of hours. I walked down to the shops in Darras Hall to get milk and bought a couple of filled rolls from the bakery. We shared the two rolls between four of us for lunch, with a little salad. Did a couple of hours at the laptop this afternoon. I ordered an Indian takeaway for dinner, which Kath drove down to pick up. Very tasty…the chicken biryani was excellent, and the lamb rogan gohst was deliciously tender. Ice cream and Snickers bar for afters. Languished on the sofa, reading mostly, and watched a bit of telly. FaceTimed Aki before watching The Ten, followed by a bit of MOTD. Did a little prep ahead of tomorrow’s Sunday roast before retiring to bed and reading for awhile…

Friday 8th March 2024

Woke around 0930. Descended for breakfast with ma and pa. Drove the Up! to Kingston Park and parked at the Metro station. Paid by phone app but then realised that it would have inputted my car reg, not mum’s, so had to pay again! Had to wait 15 minutes for a train. Met Kath at the Central Arcade and we had a browse in Windows for old time’s sake. Repaired to the Tyneside Cinema for a coffee, then stuck our heads in at the impressive food hall in Fenwicks. Kath had parked up round the corner, and we drove back to Kingston Park to do a big shop at Tesco. Kath dropped me at M&S and I looked in vain for a nut roast for Emma for Sunday lunch. Drove back to High View for peanut butter on toast and a cuppa tea. Started prepping a beef bourguignon, having defrosted the meat…marinated the diced beef in some red wine, plan being to cook it tomorrow. Kath made a tasty fish pie for dinner. Finished off the fruit crumble for afters. Collapsed onto the sofa and watched a bit of telly…really enjoyed the Johnny Cash documentary, made on his 1968 tour, taking in footage with his family, paying a visit to his derelict childhood home, and some live concert footage…great stuff!

Thursday 7th March 2024

A fitful night’s sleep…meant I didn’t get up until gone 0930. Descended for breakfast and a mug of tea…dad was in the garden filling the bird feeders, mum was tidying up the kitchen. Grey day. Did an hour at my laptop until lunch. Kath made cheese on toast. Drove over to Peary Close to pick up Jim’s old computer. He was pretending to work in the reconfigured garage. Drove on to Kenton and called in at the computer repair shop…the chap there said he’d transfer the deceased computer’s hard drive over to Jim’s old computer, and we left it with him. Drove round the corner to Tesco and got some bits ‘n pieces, then drove back to High View for a cuppa. Aki FaceTimed from IKEA in Wembley where she was looking at mini greenhouses…she knocked over a display of plant pots live on air! Cooked the lasagne. Kath and I really enjoyed it, but mum’s portion was oddly lukewarm, and dad complained his pasta wasn’t crispy!! Don’t know why I bother!!! Rhubarb crumble and ice cream for afters. I cooked up some more lentils in an effort to reduce their over supply…made a lentil, leek and carrot soup to stick in the freezer. Watched a bit of telly. Aki FaceTimed at 2230. 

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Woke to alarm at 0800. Got up and made tea…got back in to bed and read for awhile. Warmed up the remains of yesterday’s porridge for breakfast, then drove dad down to the doctor’s surgery to see the district nurse. I dropped him off and parked around the back of the surgery, then walked down to Waitrose in the drizzle. Did a little shop, then went back to the waiting room to wait for dad. The nurse seemed happy with progress, but put a fresh dressing on and told him to come back on Monday. Drove home for a cuppa. Cooked lunch…made potato cakes to use up Kath’s leftover mashed potato from last night. Then set about making a dahl for tonight to accompany dad’s chicken tikka masala. Then I cooked up a beef and pork ragu. Fried some extra chicken to put into the chicken tikka, which we ate this evening with rice, yoghurt, and a good dollop of dahl…had enough dahl left to bag up eight portions to stick in the freezer. Got carried away with the lasagne, and made a bechamel sauce. Layered the thing up, and topped it with mozzarella. Will bake it tomorrow evening…should get nine portions out of it…it’s huge! Collapsed onto the sofa around 2115. Went to bed after watching the Ten…exhausted! Aki FaceTimed. She’d been watching Rashomon on the bfi player…

Tuesday 5th March 2024

Fitful night’s sleep, despite going to bed feeling weary. Woke around 0700. Read in bed for a bit. Heard Kath getting up to go to work. Must have nodded back off…it was gone 0900 when I woke again. Got up to discover dad had cooked me some porridge in the rice cooker he got for Xmas…told me it would be ready in about 20 minutes, so had to wait…turned out it had finished cooking about 45 minutes before, and had switched to ‘warm’ mode…I told him I normally did porridge in the microwave and that it took 40 seconds! Did an hour or so’s work at my laptop before lunch…soup and toast. Drove the Up! over to Throckley, with Kath and mum, to do a quick shop in Sainsbury’s. Drove on down to Newbury for a quick walk along the Tyne in the glorious sunshine. Back home, Kath prepped some pork chops, and I made apple sauce, and then cooked a gooseberry and rhubarb crumble. Kath had to go off to work after dinner. Watched the rather odd film, Roads Not Taken, which we couldn’t make head nor tail of.

Monday 4 March 2024

Monday 4th March 2024

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea, which I drank in bed. Got up and porridged, and did a bit of tidying...brought the car down to the front of the flat, and loaded some detritus in the boot so as to clear the spare bedroom for Tokiko's stay later in the week. Did an hour's work at the computer. Got an email stating that today's train journey may be disrupted, but no further details as to what this might entail! Finished packing and heated up some soup to take on the train journey. Said farewell to Aki and walked round to the No.91 bus stop only to find a bus wasn’t due for 30 minutes! Wheeled my luggage down to the bus stop on Tollington Road and caught a No.259 to Kings Cross. The departure board implied my train was on time, so grabbed a coffee before boarding. Pulled out of KX at 1300. 

Had my soup before we got to Peterborough. Kath picked me up from Newcastle Central station…she’d been working at Chilli Bizarre. Drove to Darras Hall…ma and pa greeted us in the hall…they look in good shape. Dad cooked his signature chicken tikka masala for dinner, followed by treacle sponge and custard. Aki FaceTimed us…Miho was there enjoying my apple and pear crumble. She has retired, and seems to be enjoying the high life…she has tickets booked for several performances at the Royal Ballet this week!!! We sat in the living room and watched a documentary following the trial of the Asian bloke who pushed his pregnant wife off Arthur’s Seat…all rather grim.

Sunday 3rd March 2024

Woke around 0800. Aki got up and made tea. I read in bed for a bit. Aki cooked breakfast, then headed off for Rowing Club. Managed to FaceTime Kath, who was relaxing at home...she said she could pick me up from the Central Station tomorrow afternoon, as she's working at Chilli Bizarre until 1500. Worked at the computer for a couple of hours. Caught a bus to Finsbury Park, then changed for the No.106 to Stoke Newington. Walked down Church Street looking for a possible light lunch stop...but baulked at the £17.50 price tags for a sandwich! Ended up in Pret A Manger instead, and took a tuna melt toastie out with me, and ate in the Tower Theatre bar. Rosanna and George were there, as they too are on the Auditions Panel this afternoon. A bit embarrassing, as George has been hoping I'd play Pompey in his forthcoming production of "Measure for Measure", but I hadn't realised auditions were being held tomorrow...I explained my situation, and counted myself out of contention. Saw four males, and one female...all good enough to get over the line. Got the No.254 bus home via Stamford Hill. Cooked an apple and pear crumble, and fried some mushrooms to have with the cavolo nero pasta sauce, which we poured over the tortelloni...worked very well. Watched "A White White Day", a quirky Icelandic thriller before bath and bed...

Saturday 2nd March 2024

Woke around 0530 fretting about my stalled hotmail account. Couldn't get back to sleep, so got up and uploaded the photos that had come through before everything froze yesterday afternoon. Aki cooked breakfast, and later had a go at trying to contact Microsoft to see if we could find out what was going seemed odd that I was being told I was way over my storage limit, as I have a long-standing subscription for 100GB of extra storage space. In the end, having been unable to find a way of contacting a human being, I decided to delete my subscription, which I set up some 15 years ago, and then signed up for a fresh one (at a price 30% above what I had been paying, which is probably the crux of the matter!), and miraculously it worked... managed to send the outstanding photos to my Savills account, and get things up-to-date. What a palaver! Aki cycled off between showers to buy bread, and we had peanut butter on toast for lunch. I did some more work at the computer, before breaking for dinner. Aki cooked cod fillets with spelt, and a cavolo nero pesto sauce. Watched Tilda Swinton in Joanna Hogg's latest film, The Eternal Daughter...a strange chamber piece in which Tilda plays both mother and daughter...the daughter coming to terms with her mother's death and the ghosts of her past. 

Saturday 2 March 2024

Friday 1st March 2024

Got up around 0800 and descended for breakfast. My left foot giving me gip this morning, so took the lift! Checked out and headed for Walderslade in the pouring rain. The weather cleared mid-morning, so I was able to target some units where I knew I would have to carry out my inspections on foot. Parked up in the multi-storey car park in Chatham town centre, and popped in to Sainsburys to get a sarnie. Drove to the car park on Slicketts Hill, overlooking the grim town centre, and ate my lunch in the car. Came across a rather strange vegetarian mural on the end of a row of houses in Chatham...not sure whether there is any hidden meaning for the locals. Finished my inspections around 1700 and headed for Strood, where I used the facilities at Morrisons before striking for home. Got in around 1930. Aki had cooked mapo and rice, with a miso soup on the side, for a tasty dinner. Spent most of the evening in front of the computer trying to work out why my hotmail account had stopped functioning...a pain in the arse, as I email the photos of the stock I take during the day across to my Savills email account, but about 60 were stuck in limbo, going nowhere. Tried to delete thousands past emails in order to free up storage space in the hotmail account, but it didn't make much difference. Bathed and went to bed, hoping to sort it all out in the morning...

Thursday 29th February 2024

Woke around 0800. Listened to the news headlines then got up and showered. Descended for breakfast in the restaurant area. Grey morning, threatening rain. Drove to Twydall and knocked on half a dozen doors…of the two tenants to answer, both stated they had not received any letter warning of my coming…one of them let me in anyway. Pretty grim inside…the place stank of cigarette smoke, and the old chap’s moustache was stained a pungent yellow. Headed for Lordswood…a vast estate of low quality, box-like housing. Managed to get into one unit, though they confirmed no letter had preceded me. Drove on to Luton, a rundown eastern suburb of Chatham…got into two bungalows…the tenant of one, now in his late 70s, had been raised in Holloway, his family living in Hornsey Road…he enjoyed reminiscing about the area, and said he liked to pop back there occasionally. I drove back to the Premier Inn to use the facilities, then drove on to the dockyard area and lunched in Costa, before heading back to Lordswood, and Walderslade. Got soaked wandering the streets in the unrelenting drizzle. FaceTimed Jim Lister…told him he and Katherine were welcome to stop over with us as long as they like…threw in the suggestion that we play the Open Mic at the North Nineteen, but sounds as if they’ll be staying with Barney in Peckham that night. Dined at the Ship & Trades…the chicken and mushroom risotto was tasty. FaceTimed Aki, then read some of The Miniaturist before nodding off...

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Woke around 0800. Breakfast downstairs in the restaurant. Did a little work at the laptop before venturing out toward Rochester, and Strood. Dad due at the RVI for an op on his neck this morning, so kept an eye out for WhatsApp updates. Got back to the hotel and dined in the restaurant again. Called ma and seemed in good spirits, and said the op had gone according to plan, and hopefully he's in the clear. He said he was feeling a bit sore, as the local anaesthetic was beginning to wear off. Watched some more Cup football...Manchester United narrowly beat a vibrant Forest at the City Ground.

Tuesday 27th February 2024

Got up around 0800...showered, then descended to the restaurant for my Premier Inn all-you-can-eat breakfast. The bacon was nice and crispy, and the sausage was good. Jumped in the car and headed back toward the Hoo Peninsula, taking in a couple more villages, before moving into the suburbs of Strood. Bought a sandwich in M&S and ate in the car in Morrisons car park, before driving out to Halling, and Cuxton. Ended the working day in the Borstal area, then headed back to the hotel for dinner in the weary to go find anywhere better. Walked round the corner to ASDA to buy some beers and nuts to watch the telly with. Retired to my room to watch some Cup football.

Monday 26th February 2024

Got up reasonably early. Porridged, and warmed up some soup for my packed lunch. Aki headed off for Southwark Crown Court to deliberate in the Jury Room. I packed a bag and headed south-eastward. Put some petrol in the car at Manor House, then drove down through the Blackwall Tunnel. Picked up a coffee at the cafe in Shorne, to the west of Strood, then drove on to inspections in several villages on the Hoo Peninsula. Parked up outside a static caravan park in Allhallows and had my soup. Ended the working day in Strood, then drove up toward Gillingham and checked in at the Premier Inn. The weather was too unpleasant to consider venturing out so I ate the in-house restaurant…it was OK, though my steak and ale pie was a bit burnt. Watched some of the Coventry City v Maidstone FA Cup tie. FaceTimed Aki before bed…

Sunday 25th February 2024

Woke around 0900. Got up and made tea, and got back into bed to read for awhile. Rose to cook breakfast. Hauled the ladder out front to do a bit more work on the wisteria, tying in some of the bigger branches to the vine eyes I'd screwed into the external wall. Sunny, but cold out. Aki had a zoom meeting with Japan, so I took my constitutional up Highgate Hill. Had to slow down when I got to Archway, due to unfamiliar shooting pains in the right thigh, seeming to emanate from my right knee. Took my time getting up to Gail's Bakery at the summit...sat and had a coffee and a cheese and ham croissant. Wandered back down the hill via Sainsbury's to get Aki some full fat milk. Watched the France v Italy Six Nations game...the Italians were very unlucky, missing a penalty kick in the final seconds which would have given them a famous victory over Les Bleus. Cooked a chicken and mushroom pasta sauce, and made some tagliatelle, for dinner, followed by milk pudding and fruit compote. Nowt on telly. Bath and bed...

Saturday 24th February 2024

Got up at 0900 and made tea. Got back into bed and read for a bit. Aki cooked breakfast. Booked tickets for the ArtHouse Cinema tonight. Ambled over to Morrisons to get some shopping. Bit of a queue at the checkouts, so Aki soldiered on alone to Waitrose. Back home I made Turkish milk puddings...needed to pop back out to the shop to get some pistachio kernels. I cooked an aubergine and prawn curry for dinner, with dal tadka on the side, and a chapati. Walked up Hornsey Rise to Cround End for tonight's showing of Wim Wender's 2023 film "Perfect Days", which follows a public toilet maintenance man as he goes about inspecting the lavatories of urban Tokyo. A rather unprepossessing notion, but it turned out to be a delightful, slow-burning exploration of human a simple life of hard work, focus, and care, can bring contentment. He's a kind of monk of the public convenience. Great soundtrack...The Kinks, The Stones, The Velvet Underground, The Animals, Nina Simone, amongst others. Enjoyed a beer in the bar, and walked back up to Crouch End Hill to catch a No.91 bus home.