Friday 30 April 2021

Friday 30th April 2021


Aki up early this morning as she was planning to head for the rowing club. When she went to get her bike out of the bike shed, she noticed that some homeless person had taken a huge dump on our footpath. She shot off on her bike, and I decided to ignore it for a while and do some work, while I thought how best to tackle the problem...I was going to ask the neighbour if I could borrow their power hose. About half an hour later, I heard a noise outside, and found John and Danny from Islington Council hosing it all down for us! It transpires they had made a regular inspection of the alleyway beside the church next door, where this seems to be a regular problem, and they had noticed the delivery on our as if by magic, they made my problem disappear! Heroes!!! Back on the road this afternoon to mop up the external inspections on the Hightown job...drove to Taplow, up to the Chalfonts, Maple Cross, Chesham, and Berkhamsted. Back home by 1815. Aki fried up some cod for dinner. Watched The Mauritanian. Good performance from Tahar Rahim, last seen as the serial killer in The Serpent. Jodie Foster looking old...remember her in Bugsy Malone, for God's sake! 

Thursday 29 April 2021

Thursday 29th April 2021

On the road again...drove up to Luton, then on to a favourite stop, Toddington Service station, where I bought some odds and ends in M&S, and a coffee. Nice day for driving, though there were a few spots of rain, but nothing of note. Travelled on to Leighton Buzzard, Bletchley, Buckingham, and Haddenham, a little village to the south-west of Aylesbury, where I had my lunch parked on the village green. Popped into the VW dealership in Aylesbury to look at a Golf SV with 7,000 miles on the clock. Rear passenger door damaged, so goes into the bodyshop next week...I paid a deposit to prevent it being sold in the meantime, and will return once the work's been done to test drive it. Feels very comfortable sat in the driving seat, and there's a sense of spaciousness, it being a trifle higher than the Golf. I liked it. I think it's the next car!!! Drove home via Pitstone and Tring, getting back around 1830. Mapo for dinner, followed by a little telly before bath and bed.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Wednesday 28th April 2021

Aki very slow to rouse herself this morning...said she felt under the weather, and stayed in bed. I stayed home and spent the morning in front of the computer screen. Late lunch, then sat about not doing very much...started early afternoon. Read a bit, and did some browsing for used VWs on the internet, planning to call in at a couple of showrooms tomorrow afternoon. Chicken curry for dinner, with dahl on the side. Nowt on telly. I noticed on FaceBook that Lucy Moffatt had made a donation to a Norwegian charity raising funds to help India in a time of great need...I followed suit, trusting that she'd have done her research and that the organisation was kosher. Terrible pictures on the BBC News this going from bad to worse!

Tuesday 27 April 2021

Tuesday 27th April 2021


Weird dream sequence last night. Went to a rock concert with Ray at Tottenham Stadium. Got up to our seats, but we were very early, so went back down again...Ray went for a drive in his car, while I walked around a village green looking into pub windows. The village green was paved over with an intricate maze of interlocking steps, and I found myself jumping off the higher ones, just for fun. Found myself in somebody's empty house, but was surprised by the return of the owner's son, and he walked me back to the stadium, where I climbed back up towards my seat, with Lou...don't know where she appeared from! Got halfway up the stairwell, and asked the sound guys if we could take a short cut through their 'studio', and one of them waved us through, saying it would lead to his sister's house, who was throwing a house party! Got up and downed a pint of tea before setting off on the road. Drove up the M11 to Birchanger Green Services and bought some biscuits, then on to Stevenage, and Welwyn, where I popped in on me old Countrywide boss and got a tour of the shed at the bottom of his garden where he now works for Savills! Then on to St Albans, Hemel Hempstead, and Watford. Had my lunch in the car on a housing estate in Frogmore, to the south of St Albans. Got home about 1830. Aki served up baked salmon for dinner, followed by pear crumble and custard. Nowt on the telly tonight. Bath and bed...

Monday 26 April 2021

Monday 26th April 2021

Aki up early to call her mum. I struggled to rouse myself this morning...funny taste in my mouth! Hope I'm not coming down with a dose of the covids!!! Spent most of the morning trying to sort out the complete mess that is our energy switch...approached Octopus Energy, having had an email from Peoples Energy saying they had cancelled our account! What a bunch of amateurs!!! Also tried to make contact with Leasehold Law LLP to see if they could take on our freehold enfranchisement, but their phone no. merely lead to a full voicemail inbox, so I emailed them instead. I await a reply. Popped out to Tesco for some milk. Came home and started making a pear crumble, only to find we'd run out of butter...had to go back to Tesco! Aki cooked a mapo for dinner. Very tasty... Boris under fire for reportedly saying he'd rather see bodies pile up in the streets than declare a second lockdown...hopefully his party will soon give him the boot! 

Sunday 25 April 2021

Sunday 25th April 2021

Aki up early as she was heading off for rowing club. Not as nice a day as yesterday...bit cold out in the wind. I called Katrina to see if she had a contact from her leasehold enfranchisement, and she recommended I speak to Lesley, as she had bought her freehold more recently. Gave Lesley a bell...she used a specialist company based in Croydon. Nipped out to the cake stall outside No.104...the kids there are raising funds for Earth Day...Gareth had offered a cup of tea and some cake in his back garden at No.120...bumped into Ben and Gayu, and Carlos and Jane, and had a wee chat in the street before they disappeared in to Gareth's. I had arranged a zoom chat with Eddy, so brought my cake back for that...he looks well, and we did a bit of reminiscing. He revealed that the cottage they've been doing up is in Brittany, in a hamlet called Branzar. May be we'll get to call in one day! FaceTimed ma and pa....Kath there having her lunch. Aki had lunch at the rowing club...the sun had come out by then! I started learning Loving Cup on the guitar...nearly halfway through Exile now! Pasta and ragu for dinner. Watched the final episode of Homeland...nicely crafted ending to a long running series. Clever stuff. 

Saturday 24th April 2021


Slow start this morning...feeling unusually weary. Aki shoved me out of bed, and I made croque madame for breakfast. The sun was out again today, so we took a walk up Highgate Hill for a coffee in Waterlow Park, before heading back down the hill to M&S, and we bought some chicken thighs from the new halal butchers' on Holloway Road. Lounged about doing nothing very much this afternoon. Aki cooked a chicken ginger curry with a dahl on the side. Watched new Japanese movie "True Mothers" this evening...OK, bit long, but nicely shot and an engaging story detailing the travails of a childless couple, and the young woman forced to give up her baby for adoption. Bath and bed...

Friday 23 April 2021

Friday 23rd April 2021


Aki up and out early for a site visit in Finchley. I got up and managed a few hours work at the computer, before deciding to take advantage of the fine weather and walk up Highgate Hill for a coffee in Waterlow Park. Back home in time to meet Aki for lunch. Did a little more work this afternoon, then cooked up some patatas bravas to have with our Spanish bean stew for dinner. Pandemic Playhouse this evening saw one of our number present a self-penned piece set in 2049 amid attempts by the human race to reverse a failing fertility rate. Nice idea, well executed. Watched a bit of telly. Particularly enjoyed the news that Dominic Cummings has attacked the competence of Boris Johnson and his team...the boy come good!!!

Thursday 22 April 2021

Thursday 22nd April 2021

Out on the road all day today. Stopped off at Sainsbury's in St Albans and bought some lunch items on the Savills' account. Stopped at Verulamium Park for my lunch break, and took a walk to see a bit of Roman wall. Glorious day...very enjoyable driving weather. Went on to Hemel Hempstead, Leighton Buzzard, Tring and Berkhamstead, before ending the day in Great Missenden. Long drive home from in around 2000 just as Aki was serving up a fish supper. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Wednesday 21st April 2021

Not much work to do today. Aki sent me off to Green & Glory in Stroud Green to buy her some pumpkin, and I popped into the Post Office to send my Rolling Stones T-shirt back (too small!). Spoke to Andy Garratt on the blower...we did a bit of reminiscing about our time at Countrywide Surveyors. Told him I may get the opportunity to look in on him in Welwyn next week. Made some hand rolled noodles to go with my ragu for dinner tonight. Watched a bit of telly. Just two more episodes of Homeland to go...and then what!?

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Tuesday 20th April 2021

Had a wee turn in the night...pain in my left arm, but not as bad as during the day yesterday. I feel pretty sure it's an RSI thing! Spent the day in front of the computer. Aki popped out to the Chinese shop mid-afternoon to get some odds and ends for tonight's meal. I finished a bit early, around 1700, and read a bit more of The Devil in the's easy enough to read, but highly dissatisfying. Feel duty bound to complete it, having put it on the book club choice list. Watched a bit of telly after dinner...nothing much on, so we listened to a recent episode of Word of Mouth on BBC Sounds...glad to hear Michael Rosen's dulcet tones back on the airwaves. BBC News carried reports of Derek Chauvin being found guilty of murdering George last, a little bit of justice is seen to be done!

Monday 19 April 2021

Monday 19th April 2021

Aki up early to contact her mother. I got up shortly afterward, as I had a lot of research to do in front of the computer screen. Waved hello to Toshiko, then got on with it. I made us some lunch. Aki had a meeting in Helen's garden this afternoon. Just before she left I got a terribly shooting pain up my left arm...I had a similar experience on Saturday while working at the computer, and put it down to RSI. Boy, it doesn't half getting an Amazonian Indian's arrow shoot up inside your arm. Very unnerving!. Pork shoulder for dinner, and I made a parsnip puree to go with it...nice. Watched a bit of telly...had another episode in my left arm...beginning to get a bit worrying. Bath, and bed...

Sunday 18 April 2021

Sunday 18th April 2021

Dreamt I was sitting in the living-room, when a mouse popped out from beneath the kitchen kick-board. I managed to frighten it back under the kitchen units, and found I could position myself at one end of the kitchen and look through a hole in the wall to see what was going on under the kitchen units. Aki up early to cook breakfast before setting off for the River Lea and the Rowing Club. I did 4 hours in front of the computer. We had a walk up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park and an ice cream from the cafe. Aki cooked cod and lentils for dinner. FaceTimed ma and pa, who were entertaining Kath. Dad had enjoyed a swim last week in the newly refurbished Ponteland pool. I tried my new CPAP mask on, as it's been an uncomfortable experience so far...tried tightening the straps for a more air tight fit. Spoke to Lynne about plans to jointly purchase the freehold interest here. Government on the verge of announcing new legislation which will include a calculator to determine the premium...may be worth waiting until the legislation is finalised before proceeding.

Saturday 17th April 2021

Got up and breakfasted on poached eggs. Nice looking day out there, so we decided to walk down to The Angel, via Highbury Fields, as Aki had sourced a replacement cooks' bowl at Muji...surprised to find a queue outside. Upper Street very busy with loads of people sitting outside the many eateries as we made our way down. Bought a couple of sandwiches and a coffee at Euphorium on the way back, and had them on a bench in Highbury Fields. Did a couple of hours at the computer this afternoon, then half-tuned in to the FA Cup semi-final, a rather dull affair...Chelsea scraped through with a 1-0 win over Man City. Cooked pasta with a n'duja sauce and cavolo nero for dinner. Watched "Saint Maud", set in a scuzzy looking Scarborough. Well put together chiller with bags of atmosphere. MOTD, bath, bed...

Saturday 17 April 2021

Friday 16th April 2021

Terrible night's sleep...tried the new facemask for my CPAP machine, which covers my mouth as well as my nose. I don't know why, may be because the air flow felt a bit colder than I was used to, but I seemed to shorten my breaths, which may or may not have lead to my feeling decidedly dizzy when I got up in the night for the loo. I then spent the next hour vainly trying to get back to sleep. Still felt a bit dizzy when I got up this morning. Sat in front of the computer all day. Aki cycled off to the River Lea after breakfast for a row with her skuller mates. Nice day for it. Warmed up the Spanish bean stew for dinner, and finished off the fruit crumble. Watched Terry Gilliam's extraordinary "Tideland" this evening...masterfully directed, sumptuously designed, beautifully lit with painterly camerawork on a wide screen canvas, but where it fell down a rabbit hole was when it came to the actors opening their mouths...they spoke in a Gothicscript Southern drawl which meant we barely understood a word anybody said! Very disappointing, but it passed the time...

Thursday 15 April 2021

Thursday 15th April 2021

Woke in the early hours to find myself grinding my teeth...pushing my lower jaw forward so the lower front teeth ground against the upper front teeth...felt like my jaw had dislocated! Horrible! Back on the road again...this time over to south, east, and north Norfolk. Ended the day having done 310 miles! Stopped off at Birchanger Services on the M11, and Tesco on the outskirts of Bury St Edmunds. Had my lunch in a layby on the road to Diss. Rained quite heavily this afternoon. Got home just after 1900. Aki had cooked a mushroom risotto...very tasty. Watched "Homeland", and new comedy series starring Dromnall Gleeson, called "Frank of Ireland". Had its' moments, but not as good as "The Walshes". Bath and bed...

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Wednesday 14th April 2021


Woke a bit earlier than usual, so got up and started work at the computer. Aki had an early lunch, as she had a site visit in Finchley. I took the afternoon off. Walked up to M&S at Archway to buy some custard. Dick Whittington's cat looking verdant. Cooked a Spanish bean, chicken and chorizo stew for dinner, followed by crumble, served with that custard. Watched a bit of telly...finally got to see the final of MasterChef, won by our tip, Tom Rhodes, from Newcastle. He's a class act.  

Tuesday 13th April 2021

Out and about out east today. Drove to Bury St Edmunds, via Sudbury, Colchester, Ipswich, and Felixstowe...265 miles by the time I got home. Stopped off at various points, including Birchanger Services on the M11, Sainsburys in Great Cornard, and this magnificent edifice in Stanway, where I sat in my car and had my soup.  Nice driving weather, though, especially through the Suffolk countryside. Got home around 1845...Aki cooked baked trout for dinner, followed by a little TV. Still looking out for the MasterChef final, which doesn't seem to have been rescheduled since Phil The Greek put a spanner in the works!!!

Monday 12 April 2021

Monday 12th April 2021

Aki up early to make contact with her mum in Tokyo. Japan have a first Masters Champion in Hideki Matsuyama...Aki very proud. He comes across as a very likable chap. I worked in front of the computer most of the day. Aki needed to visit site in Finchley at lunchtime, so downed an early lunch. I spent my lunch break making a next level apple and pear crumble...the addition of custard powder to the crumble mix, and a fruity, sugary, buttery syrup to the apples and pears, took it to the next level. We had some when Aki returned, with homemade ice cream. Delicious. Prawn noodle soup for dinner, then watched a bit of telly. Colin Yates rang for a wee chat. Promised to catch up with them in Hove in the summer once we are ensconced in Worthing come August. Sounds like he's winding down toward retirement. Trudi unable to work, as her rheumatoid arthritis flares up every now and then. 

Sunday 11 April 2021

Sunday 11th April 2021

Vivid dreams last night, though can't quite piece together a meaningful narrative. I recall Richard Atkinson (MD on a rock musical I did at Harrogate), berating me for not learning my lines properly at an emergency cast meeting in a green room somewhere; and helping train a new graduate surveyor, going round to work with him at his one point I discovered he had a bird nesting beneath a chair in his living room.  Aki up early in preparation for a visit to the River Lea Rowing Club. I stayed home and watched the highlights of the Masters golf tournament...Matsuyama takes a 4 stroke lead into the final round, and could become the first Japanese man to win a major. FaceTimed the folks, who had Kath round. Dad was mapping out a landscape plan for Kath's front garden. Kath reported that Jim's old mate Glen, from Hull college days, had passed away. Vaguely recall meeting him a couple of times...think he came to the Lake District for Jim's stag week, and was very competitive when it came to ordering the hottest madras in the local Indian restaurant. Aki very weary after her exertions on the River Lea...we lounged about for the rest of the afternoon doing very little. Slow cooked a roast chicken, served up with cheesey leeks. Watched "Stan & Ollie" this evening. Great performances from Coogan and Reilly...brought tears to the eyes, and reminded me of the greatest night I have yet spent in a cinema...went to see six Laurel & Hardy silent shorts at the arts cinema in Hyde Park, Leeds, 20 odd years ago...they had a full house rolling in the aisles some 80 years after they'd shot the films...I shall never forget that night!

Saturday 10 April 2021

Saturday 10th April 2021

Woken with strange stabbing sensation to back of head...hope it's not a vaccine induced bleed on the brain! Chose to ignore it, though it happened several times over the course of the morning. Cooked a big brunch, then Aki cycled down to Essex Road to stand in the queue at the butchers'. Watched a historic Grand National this afternoon, which saw the first ever female jockey win the thing! Quite extraordinary scenes...brought tears to the eyes! As did the fate of my two horses...Secret Reprieve didn't run, but I managed to put some money on Discorama, which came in seventh, while Yala Enki fell about three quarters of the way round while in a decent position behind the leading pack. Bryony Frost was on board, and was taken to hospital after the fall. 

Aki cooked up a Korean prawn soup with kimchi...very tasty, though a bit spicy for me. I poached pears in red wine, served with my homemade kumquat ice cream. Watched "Lost in La Mancha" charting Terry Gilliam's disastrous attempt to film Don Quixote...saw it at the Edinburgh Film Festival about 20 years ago, and wanted to revisit it as he recently completed the project, and there's a follow up documentary I want to see. Though the film can't be anywhere near as dramatic as the documentary...extraordinary tale of repeated bad luck. MOTD, bath, bed...

Friday 9 April 2021

Friday 9th March 2021

Aki up early so she could go rowing. I headed out west to Earls Court, then on to Mitcham and Croydon, before doubling back to a large estate in Tulse Hill...I'm sure it's where Wallace and Gerardine lived in the 1980s, and where I used to crash after a night out with them in Brixton. Gerardine would serve up amazing Irish fry ups the following morning...soda bread and colcannon! Managed to find facilities at Sainsbury's in Merton, where I also bought some lunch items. My enjoyment of Radio 6Music was interrupted just after midday by a BBC announcer with the news that Prince Phillip had passed away at the age of 99. The story took up the rest of the day's radio output...and even knocked MasterChef off the scheduling this evening! We ate dinner then joined the Pandemic Players zoom meeting for a reading of an American one-act play called "Trifles" was excellent. A finely honed piece, a call to the sisterhood to link arms in the face of the condescending patriarchy, but beautifully, almost poetically, rendered. Avoided the TV for the remainder of the evening...bath and bed.

Thursday 8 April 2021

Thursday 8th April 2021

Got up around 0900. Aki drove up to Finchley for a site visit. I worked at home on the computer. Royal Mail delivered a parcel from John Lewis...a Heston Blumenthal meat thermometer! Not sure where Aki intends to stick that! Placed a couple of bets on this Saturday's Grand National via Bet365. Gone for Secret Reprieve at 16/1, and Yala Enki at 50/1. Gobbled down the remains of Saturday's birthday meal for dinner...venison stew and Italian bread dumplings, then watched the penultimate episode of MasterChef. Final tomorrow money's on Tom from Newcastle.

Wednesday 7 April 2021

Wednesday 7th April 2021

Got up and did some work at the laptop before jumping into the motor and heading for Southwark. Found myself driving down Marshalsea Street, which must have lead up to the 19th Century version of the debtor's prison, at the southern end of Borough High Street. Spent the rest of the working day south of the river. Stopped off to use the facilities at Surrey Quays shopping centre, and had my lunch care of Starbucks, in the car park. Ended the day in East Dulwich before heading back across the river. Got home around 1900. Nice, bright day, but quite cold outside the car. Watched a documentary charting the first stages of the global pandemic...superbly put together, and very moving. 

Tuesday 6 April 2021

Tuesday 6th April 2021

Slightly disturbed night's hernia repair giving me gip. Aki up early to talk to her mum in Japan. I got up around 0900 and breakfasted, then did some work at my laptop until lunchtime. Drove out to do some inspections in Tottenham and Palmers Green after lunch. Got back home to discover the plant stand I'd ordered from John Lewis's had arrived...makes for a grand headpiece. It was delivered in a huge cardboard box, big enough to house a washing machine! Hand rolled some pici noodles for dinner, and had them with shredded chicken and mushrooms, and a truffle sauce. Very tasty. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed. 

Monday 5 April 2021

Monday 5th April 2021

Slow start this morning...Aki had risen early to make an attempt to call up her mum, which failed on this occassion, as her mum's ipad seemed to be uploading updates which meant they couldn't communicate. Aki headed for Waitrose after breakfast, while I sat around reading and downing coffee. I ventured out mid afternoon for some odds and ends, walking up to the grocer on Stroud Green Road, then to Sainsburys, and finally calling in at Girasole for a jar of mushroom sauce. FaceTimed Kath briefly, as she was on her way to work, and ma and pa, who had been for a drive out to South Shields to photograph a church for the Ponteland Civic Society newsletter. Aki cooked stuffed cabbage for dinner. Watched The National's filmed version of "Romeo & Juliet" on Sky Arts...very moving, honed production, although it was a bit difficult to get passed the fact that Romeo was played by the actor who plays Prince Charles in "The Crown"!!! 

Sunday 4th April 2021

Aki cooked omelette for breakfast, then I painted the bits of plasterwork in the back bedroom. Paint looks a slightly different colour to the original, which means I'll have to paint the whole wall!! Tried FaceTiming ma and pa, but the signal wasn't good. Went out for a walk down to Highbury Fields, and back via Blackstock Road. Nice day for it. Came home and cooked a late Sunday lunch, timing it with Skyping Tony, and Katrina. Tony was missing his dog...she's at his parents' house in Seaford. Katrina still looking for a new home in the Hastings area...spends many an evening poring over the Rightmove website, but doesn't sound as though much will happen this year. Indulged in a bit of nostalgia, and watched "Gregory's Girl"...hasn't aged particularly well in terms of cinematic experience, but many charming moments.

Saturday 3 April 2021

Saturday 3rd April 2021

Got up to put Aki's birthday croissants in the oven...we had them with lemon curd...and prosecco. She opened her present, a fandangled herb garden with LED lights to hasten plant growth...hope it works! It wasn't cheap! Flowers arrived from John, Margaret, and Kath, and Helen biked round some more this afternoon. Bit cold out, so we decided not to venture out for a walk...sunnier forecast for tomorrow, which means Aki plans to hit the rowing club in the morning. 

I did a bit of (rather poor) plastering to the bedroom ceiling. Sent a photo to the folks picturing Aki getting plastered on her birthday. Cooked up the venison stew, and made hand rolled pici noodles for starters. Finished off with Eglal's tiramisu, which was a step too far. Saved half of it for tomorrow. Watched the BBC "imagine" documentary, an interview with Kazuo Ishiguro and a look at his 40 year writing career. Always got time for Kazuo...very erudite chap. 

Friday 2 April 2021

Friday 2nd April 2021

Aki up early to cycle to the River Lea Rowing Club. I went shopping for prosecco and croissants for her birthday breakfast tomorrow, and pooped into the DIY shop for some external filler. Made the marinade for the diced venison, which went in the fridge. Having that for dinner tomorrow. Finished writing a little ditty to mark Aki's all systems go! Kath texted to report that she'd received her second jab. Aki made ramen for lunch, then had to drive up to Finchley for another site meeting. Margaret dropped by with some freshly baked hot cross buns. I took delivery of some shopping from Waitrose, then made the canederli for tomorrow. Aki cooked sea bass for dinner. Watched MasterChef. Lynne came down to borrow the mouse repellent, as she had seen a baby mouse in her living-room! Sounds like there's a family in residence...

Thursday 1 April 2021

Thursday 1st April 2021

Aki up early as she had another site visit to make this morning. I pottered away at the plasterwork in the back bedroom, sanding down the filler on the ceiling crack, and opening up the blown plaster above the wardrobe. Aki dragged me out for a walk this afternoon...pleasant afternoon. We walked up to Hampstead Heath ponds, where we stopped for an ice cream, and then on to Kenwood House, as Aki wanted to see the magnolia tree we visit every year. My feet were killing me by the time we got home. 

Cooked sticky orange chicken with fondant potatoes for dinner, then zoomed in for the Book Club meet. Views on "Girl, Woman, Other" were mixed, but no-one stuck up for it's literary pretensions. I only managed to get halfway, and Gareth not even that, predictably. We chose "The Devil in the Marshalsea" for the April read. Watched MasterChef...inspired to try my hand at a chicken balotine, and get some square moulds for pommes anna.